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Tom Schimansky edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 9 revisions

Example Code:

Default theme:

label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=root_tk, text="CTkLabel"), rely=0.5, anchor=tkinter.CENTER)


text_var = tkinter.StringVar(value="CTkLabel")

label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=root_tk,
                               fg_color=("white", "gray75"),
                               corner_radius=8), rely=0.5, anchor=tkinter.CENTER)


argument value
master root, tkinter.Frame or CTkFrame
textvariable tkinter.StringVar object
text string
width label width in px
height label height in px
corner_radius corner radius in px
fg_color foreground color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color or "transparent"
text_color label text color, tuple: (light_color, dark_color) or single color
font label text font, tuple: (font_name, size)
anchor controls where the text is positioned if the widget has more space than the text needs, default is "center"
compound control the postion of image relative to text, default is "center, other are: "top", "bottom", "left", "right"
justify specifies how multiple lines of text will be aligned with respect to each other: "left" for flush left, "center" for centered (the default), or "right" for right-justified
padx extra space added left and right of the text, default is 1
pady extra space added above and belowof the text, default is 1

and other arguments of tkinter.Label


  • .configure(attribute=value, ...)

    All attributes can be configured and updated.

  • .cget(attribute_name)

    Pass attribute name as string and get current value of attribute.

    text = ctk_label.cget("text")
  • .bind(sequence=None, command=None, add=None)

    Bind events to the label.

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