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Easily add a map vote at the end of your game (or whenever you wish) with the map picker library. Supports both user defined map lists, and Asset.Party!

Usage Example

public static async Task EndGame()
  // Define maps - ImageURL is optional.
  List<MapPicker.MapInfo> maps = new List<MapPicker.MapInfo>()
          new MapPicker.MapInfo(){ Name = "Dust II", Id = "dust2" ImageURL="" },
          new MapPicker.MapInfo(){ Name = "Inferno", Id = "inferno" },
          new MapPicker.MapInfo(){ Name = "Nuke", Id = "nuke" }

  // Assign user maps.
  Vote.AddMapsFromList( maps );

  // Add maps from asset party
  await Vote.AddAssetPartyMapsUsingSearchString( "surf" );
  await Vote.AddAssetPartyMapsFromCollectionName( "xenthio.coolmaps" );

  // Begin vote when you're ready, providing the time in seconds you wish the vote to run for.
  // This will display map vote UI on all connected clients.
  Vote.BeginVote( 10 );

// Subscribe to completion event to retrieve the map ID that was top voted.
[Event( "MapPicker.VoteFinished" )]
public void OnVoteFinished( string Id )
  Log.Info( $"MapPicker.VoteFinished: {Id}" );


  • Add image preview [07.08.2023]
  • Add Asset.Party support [07.08.2023]
  • Add scrollbar (scroll works, but no scrollbar is visible)
  • Add optional "Replay" or "Random" buttons.
  • Add maps on the fly as admin via CMD.
  • Add "disabled" flag for a map (perhaps they have been recently played, but you still want them shown in list).
  • Ability to scale vote depending on client ID (useful for VIP, or scaling based on player level).


Feel free to open a PR to improve anything, whether that's a roadmap piece, or a better way to do things.