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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

A to-do list

Agendum is a to-do list which uses local storage on the device it runs on to store its data. No backup.


Run index.html

See online demo here.


Puppeteer UI tests & TypeScript type check run in Azure Pipelines:

The badge is red because I am currently working through resolving all the strict mode TypeScript errors and warnings.


Provide tabs or something for playing around with "generators" and flows

Generators are task "templates", they give you a set of tasks for the given time range and you can find which already exist or not.

Flows are diagrams displaying which state the task goes through.

Use file system API when available (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and local storage when not (Safari)

Ask on Stack Overflow where are the storage files stored on disk to provide backup instructions.

Add support for syncing with custom BE instances

Locally encrypted using the crypto API and sent.

Support attaching audio/video recordings as attachments / inline elements

Check for attachment size and kick or resize (image, video?) attachments that are too big

Implement drag & drop on the items

Implement editing item contents - modal with the editor

Implement task hierarchy using net-tree

Add support for item tags

Add support for reminders using desktop notifications for upcoming tasks

Allow dismissing the editor hints for emoji keyboard and rich editor toggle separately

Allow editing the title using an inline input with Enter keypress handler and a Save button

Implement the graft resolution behavior which creates the same task again on the next day (for now)

Make sure moving works within the groups of the archive tab and jumps between the groups as well

Implement attaching image or non-image files as attachments, not only inline

Implement recognizing links anywhere in the description plain text not only whole-line links

Store them as link spans/blocks. Display preview for image links.

Allow sourcing tasks from other places than storage

E.g.: GitHub issues, but mark references as resolved etc. in the storage.

Implement moving the items with Not After into its own tab, something like Expired or Missed

Hook up the Archive button in the editor when in the Archived tab

Pull out more data related functions to data.js and include getIds in it, too

Add checkboxen alongside the items for bulk operations (archive, delete)

Remember the expanded archive tab group title and preserve expansion state after item button action (move etc.)

Display item count on each tab button

Handle resolution notes with a custom modal:

  • These is an input which adds a line to the description for just attaching a resolution (maybe keep in a different field than desc?)
  • There is a button which allows to recall the item for editing, but then archives it including the changes made
  • There is a button for just archiving as-is
  • If the modal is blurred / dismissed or the tab is switched away (blurred), then archive item and show edtior hint informing it saved

Add tests for moving items within tabs when there are items in all tabs to make sure the filtering logic doesn't break

Query the set of items per tab first and then render the set to make sure up/down disables and even/odd backgrounds work okay

Implement Net Tree for hierarchical items

Pull in Fragment types using NPM for TypeScript and use it as a ES module after changing it so

Render inline images and links from backing objects on the item not using innerHTML

Do some sort of a version call and auto-bust the web worker cache if a new version is found

See if adding Fragment as a Git submodule would allow us to drop the local/remote select logic and dep on JsDelivr

It comes down to seeing whether GitHub Pages would download Git submodules and would serve their contents

Consider adding support for import from pasted text for iOS Safari import

Detect conflicts during import (non-equal) and offer a UI for resolution (keep old, keep new, keep both)

Hide item buttons on mobile except for Archive, Edit can be done by clicking, move by dragging when it is done

Create iOS home screen icons:

Validate PWA pinning to home screen works on iOS, with icons and standalone window

Create and add a favicon

Display a button for toggling the rich editor when in portrait mode (can't do shortcuts)

Rewrite the editor in Fragment once it supports keys

  • Get rid of the innerHTML = '' call

Figure out how to make jUnit produce a HTML report and how to attach Puppeteer screenshots to it

Create UI tests

  • Expanding to rich editor
  • Creating a newline in the rich editor
  • Attaching an image when not in rich editor yet by pasting
  • Attaching an image when already in the rich editor by pasting
  • Preserving text when switching from basic to rich editor
  • Warning about the loss of images when switching to the basic editor
  • Creating an item through the Enter press (as opposed to Submit button press) in both editors
  • Not being able to move an item
  • Rendering correct raw HTML in item contents
  • Exporting
  • Importing
  • Resolving import conflicts
  • Busting the web worker cache
  • Up on 1st item is disabled and so is down on last item
  • Reviving
  • Not Before

Fix mobile task label with multiple lines overlapping into the content (by ditching details and keeping state in item)

Fix service worker offline serving not working in Firefox & Safari - web worker says fetch timed out

Fix TypeScript pipeline errors

Fix Puppeteer not dropping screenshots in CI

Redo in CRA using GitHub Actions for the CRA CD

Fix the domain name misconfiguration breaking GitHub Pages