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Testing RBC (React Big Calendar) with CRA (Create React App)

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In this repository I am exploring how RBC-utilizing components could be tested using npm test in CRA.

RBC here refers to React Big Calendar. It's a shitty component, but writing your own is shitty, too, so there's that. It's also a complex component and in most applications I believe it will get wrapped in a nicer component with a more focused and smaller API surface, so I will specifically test a component which uses RBC internally. Not to mention you'd wanna do that to provide a better types for RBC, because its types, while constantly receiving more attention and improving, are not great and the underlying API design is not stellarly type-friendly either.

I read up on testing components in CRA.

From there I found that a good way is to use Enzyme and[] shallow rendering](

I put aside Jest matchers for reference.

I considered testing stateful components, but have decided to instance use the Enzyme accessors to test props of rendered VDOM tree of the component.

Enzyme allows simulating user interaction, so almost anything we would otherwise need state for can be tested that way. For example, a simple test of whether upon pressing an element, a modal appears, could consist of locating the button, thus ensuring it got rendered, then simulating a click on it, and then traversing the VDOM again looking for the modal container, ensuring that got rendered, too.

I am also using full DOM rendering when testing the calendar innards itself as it is a 3rd party library and I cannot test its components in isolation.

Debugging in the tests is supported and configured as per Debugging Jest tests

You can use the VS Code debugger with the Debug CRA tests configuration.


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Testing RBC (React Big Calendar) with CRA (Create React App)




