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EF Core JSON Provider

I'm planning on building an Entity Framework Core database provider backed by JSON files. There are no good up-to-date resources on how to build such a provider, so I'm going to use the Pomelo provider for MySQL to trace what it does and replicate that in my own provider, which will not talk to a database, but will read from and write to JSON files instead.


  • Run MySQL
  • Open Pomelo in VS - make changes and rebuild each time
  • cd src and dotnet run - depends on the built DLL from Pomelo


The entry point is for the user to configure the provider in some way. There are multiple ways to do this, in this case, a OnConfiguring override on the DbContext (AppDbContext) class is used. The UseX call comes from the provider library and is an entry point to it.

Nothing will get called by EF Core until we do some EF operation. The first op we have here is a call to EnsureDeletedAsync followed by EnsureCreatedAsync to reset the database.

OnConfiguring is called immediately after calling any EF functionality as per the above. In there, the DbContext gets initialized and the UseX provider method called.

The provider registers itself by calling DbContextOptionsBuilder.AddOrUpdateExtension passing in an instance of its own RelationalOptionsExtension implementation.

On it, EF will access its Info property first. An implementation of RelationalExtensionInfo is to be returned.

GetServiceProviderHashCode is accessed next, where it should suffice to return the base implementation as long as the RelationalOptionsExtension override doesn't have any extra configuration properties of its own.

PopulateDebugInfo is called next and then ApplyServices. I don't think it is neccessary to add anything to the dictionary passed to PopulateDebugInfo.

ApplyServices is being passed an instance of IServiceCollection where we can register our provider's own implementations of the services that EF will request using the .NET Core DI mechanism.

After calling ApplyServices, EF Core will once again return to the extension and read IsDatabaseProvider, where we seem to have to return true to let EF know to treat this extension as one such.

After registering the services, they get pulled in this order:

  • IDatabaseProvider
  • LoggingDefinitions
  • IRelationalConnection
  • IRelationalTypeMappingSource
  • ISqlGenerationHelper
  • IModificationCommandBatchFactory

An empty implementation of these is the bare minimum that needs to be provided before we get rid of errors to the tune of failing to pull a DI service.

After this point, the application will run, but will fail saying it is unable to map model's properties.

To fix this, it seems it is necessary to implement ISingletonOptions. If it is implemented, EF Core will pull this service, instantiate it and call its Initialize method, then its Validate method. I'm not sure what these do and maybe it is even possible to skip them or the whole service?

The key to the propert mapping problem seems to be the RelationalTypeMappingSource service. It has several ovverides, which get called in this order:

  • CoreTypeMapping FindMapping(MemberInfo member)
  • RelationalTypeMapping FindMapping(in RelationalTypeMappingInfo mappingInfo)

Implementing the latter to return IntTypeMapping and StringTypeMapping to cover the most basic combo of ID+Name entity properties allows us to move on to EF consuming those and then calling the remaining overrides in this order:

  • CoreTypeMapping FindMapping(IProperty property)
  • string ParseStoreTypeName(string storeTypeName, out bool? unicode, out int? size, out int? precision, out int? scale)

The others seemingly left uncalled until on. At this point, a value cannot be null - parameter relationalConnection to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.RelationalQueryContextDependencies..ctor exception is being thrown.


Trace out more of the calls to the Pomelo provider EF Core makes

Replicate the Pomelo provider in my own codebase and use JSON files instead

Figure out how to build and link EF Core from the submodule

Instrument the source-built EF Core dependency as well as Pomelo

See the other side of the coin when it comes to how Pomelo and my provider are called, maybe trace the SQL Server and in memory providers as well to capture the differences between relational and non-relational providers.


EF provider operating on JSON files





