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React Big Calendar Resizable + Custom EventWrapper Component

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In this repository I explore options for getting React Big Calendar to work together with the addon which adds handles for resizeability, but also without breaking the support for the custom EventWrapper component.

If you only care about the solution, scroll all the way down. This document is a stream-of-consciousness style exploration with dead ends and useless info.

This may work out of the box because in the real codebase I am using a modified version of RBC, but in any case this exploration will be useful to lock down the cause.

We start by creating a demo application which makes use of RCB. We'll use CRA for ease of use and development. We also install Moment as a localizer as RBC requires a localizer of some sort. Moment has its own types.

create-react-app . --typescript
npm install react-big-calendar moment --save
npm install @types/react-big-calendar --save-dev

Next we set up the calendar as per the docs:

We do not forget to import 'react-big-calendar/lib/css/react-big-calendar.css' to get the RBC styling in.

Now running npm start will bring us to a page showing the calendar set up and ready to go.

Let's set up the calendar to default to the week view (defaultView="week") and hook up the event creating by listening to onSelectSlot and propagating the new value to the array of events. We also have to make the calendar selectable.

With this set up, the next step is to make use of a custom event wrapper component through the components prop of the calendar.

For now we're using a pass-through eventWrapper: eventWrapper: props => <>{props.children}</>. Next step is to display an Ant Popover when hovering over the event slot. For that we need to bring in the Ant design package.

npm install antd --save

We can't forget to import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; like we did with the RBC styles.

At this point we have a working setup where the RBC displays the Ant popover upon even slot hover. Ideally we'll find a way to preserve this behavior while also supporting the DnD handles.

To add drag and drop support to the calendar (which includes resizing in it), we will make use of the one and only addon the calendar contains - withDragAndDrop.

To add it, we can follow the starter guide here:

It's just a simple HOC which we import, wrap the original calendar in and use in JSX like we would with the original calendar, gaining a few extra props.

After implementing this we can find that the calendar now has drag to resize handles and supports dragging the slots across columns and rows.

What we do not see anymore though is the popover on event slot hover.

Clearly there was an idea of making the calendar extensible, but seemingly it never came to real fruition because no other addons are available AFAIK and the only addon that exists breaks the basic functionality of the very calendar it is supposed to extend :-)

Let's compare the HTML generated in the working case (no DnD) and the broken case.

Without DnD and event wrapper propagates the children:

<div class="rbc-events-container">
  <!-- The following div is propagated through the event wrapper: props => <>{props.children}</> -->
  <div class="rbc-event" style="top: 22.9167%; height: 18.75%; left: 0%; width: 100%;">
    <div class="rbc-event-label">5:30 AM — 10:00 AM</div>
    <div class="rbc-event-content"></div>

When the mouse hovers over the event slot div it gains an extra class ant-popover-open. The popover HTML content itself is in a separate div at the end of the document body and it is positioned absolutely.

With DnD and event wrapper wraps children:

<div class="rbc-events-container">
  <!-- The following div is created in the event wrapper: props => <div>{props.children}</div> -->
    <div class="rbc-event" style="top: 16.6667%; height: 29.1667%; left: 0%; width: 100%;">
      <div class="rbc-event-label">4:00 AM — 11:00 AM</div>
      <div class="rbc-event-content"></div>

With DnD and event wrapper propagates the children:

<div class="rbc-events-container">
  <div class="rbc-event" style="top: 14.5833%; height: 39.5833%; left: 0%; width: 100%;">
    <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resizable">
      <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-anchor">
        <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-icon"></div>
      <div class="rbc-event-label">3:30 AM — 1:00 PM</div>
      <div class="rbc-event-content"></div>
      <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-anchor">
        <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-icon"></div>

At first glance there should be no problem, but maybe the DnD addon must be messing with the rbc-event container (maybe recreating it or something) in a way which strips it of the mouse handlers the Ant popover adds - speculation.

With DnD and the event wrapper wraps the children:

<div class="rbc-events-container">
  <!-- This div is the event wrapper one -->
    <div class="rbc-event" style="top: 14.5833%; height: 39.5833%; left: 0%; width: 100%;">
        <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resizable">
        <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-anchor">
            <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-icon"></div>
        <div class="rbc-event-label">3:30 AM — 1:00 PM</div>
        <div class="rbc-event-content"></div>
        <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-anchor">
            <div class="rbc-addons-dnd-resize-ns-icon"></div>

The event wrapper div is there but when inspecting it using the dev tools, it is a zero height element on top of the day column, the actual rbc-event div is positioned and everything, but doesn't seem to respond to mouse events.

With DnD and the event wrapper wraps the children and the popover wraps that:

Specificall this means:

class EventWrapper extends React.Component<EventWrapperProps, never> {
  public render() {
    return (
      <Popover content={JSON.stringify(this.props.event)}>
        <div className="eventWrapper">

This works! Kinda - the popover is shown on top of the day column - because that is where the event wrapper div ends up since the rbc-event one is positioned absolutely so it sort of escapes it. We cannot get the calendar to position the event wrapper div around the even div, but maybe the event component is a way to go?

Dnd and event component not event wrapper component:

With Event this seems to work! It receives event as the event wrapper does, but instead of placing the popover around the slot it places it within the slot and we create a phantom div to fill up the height to receive mouse events across basically the whole slot.

In my use case this is enough because I am hiding the time span using CSS anyway so it works out that the whole slot div is covered so this is resolved.

Now I'll wire up the resize and drag handlers of the DnD addon and call it a day.