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Nodejs projet hot reloader - reload your packages, files and caches easily.


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Nodejs projet hot reloader - reload your packages, files and caches easily.


npm i hotreload

Import-able Functions

const { hotReload, Utils } = require("hotreload");
  • hotReload Function(hotReloadOptions)
  • Utils : all Util Functions:
    • loadAllPaths(paths, functionPaths), -> for Each Path: require(path) + execute the first callbackFunction of where the pathGlob matches the current path
    • filterStrings(str) -> matching function to filter an array to only contain valid strings,


interface hotReloadOptions {
    excluded?: string[];
    onlyReload?: string[];
    functionsToLoad?: { pathGlob: string, callbackFunction: string }[];
  • excluded string[] --> array of string-globs to not reload file-paths matching that glob
  • onlyReload string[] --> array of string-globs to only reload file-paths matching that glob | Default: "*" aka everything
  • functionsToLoad reloadFunctionObject[] --> array of string-gl
    • functionsToLoad reloadFunctionObject :
      • pathGlob: string --> string-glob to execute the callbackFunction
      • callbackFunction: Function(path, pull) -> callback Function to execute, once the pathGlob is matching

hotReload Return data

interface hotReloadReturnData {
    success: string[]; // strings of paths which were "successful"
    failed: { path: string, error: TypeError }[]; // path + error for each "failed" reload

Why are functionsToLoad useful?

  • You can easily execute scripts upon specific Path-Globs
  • With that you can update Caches / Savings of pulls
  • With that you can technically restart express apps too!
  • You could restart websocket-/EventEmitter listeners (make sure to clear them first)


const { hotReload } = require("hotreload");

const res = await hotReload({
    excluded: [ "**/node_modules/**" ], // don't reload stuff with node_modules in path
    onlyReload: [ "**/*.js", "**/*.json" ], // only reload stuff which ends with *.js or **/*.json
    functionsToLoad: [ // array of objects, with pathGlobs, and callbackFunction, which get's executed when the pathGlob match is true
            pathGlob: "**/exports/**/*.js", callbackFunction: (path, pull) => { // pull = require(path);
                if(path.includes("defaults")) pull.default(); // you can execute any functions from that pull:  module.exports = { default: () => {} }
                else pull(); // or even direct execute the pull. if that file: module.exports = () => { ... };
console.log(`Successfully reloaded ${res.success.length} Paths, and failed on ${res.failed.length}`)
res.failed.forEach(data => console.error(data));

Example Usage - Discord Bot

const { hotReload } = require("hotreload");
// if you reload events / listeners, make sure to clear them first!
await client.removeAllListeners();
// reloader function
const res = await hotReload({ // don't reload the node_modules, the bot.js and the sharder Files 
    excluded: ["**/node_modules/**", `${process.cwd()}/bot.js`, `${process.cwd()}/Shard.js`], 
    onlyReload: [ "**/*.js", "**/*.json" ], // reload .js and .json files
    functionsToLoad: [ 
        {   // simple execute "module.exports () => {}" functions with parameters
            pathGlob: `${process.cwd()}/extenders/**`, callbackFunction: (path, pull) => pull(client) // pull = require(path)
        {   // store pull data in a cache, + use the path to get the filename (aka eventName) + then execute the requirement
            pathGlob: `${process.cwd()}/events/**`, callbackFunction: (path, event) => { // pull = require(path)
                const eventName = path.split("/").pop().replace(".js", "");
                client.eventPaths.set(eventName, { eventName, path: resolve(path) });
        {   // just update the cache for client.commands, with the pull ;)
            pathGlob: `${process.cwd()}/commands/**`, callbackFunction: (path, cmd) => client.commands.set(, cmd); // const pull = require(path);
console.log(res, res.success.length, res.failed.length)

Example Video



Nodejs projet hot reloader - reload your packages, files and caches easily.







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