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File metadata and controls

381 lines (266 loc) · 8.84 KB


Once running, you can send REST requests towards the container. With the exception of the create_schedule requests, all the requests requiring input accepts it as a json body or in the form of query parameters.


URL: /switcher/get_state

Method: GET

Request parameters: None

Response body example:

  "successful": true,
  "state": "on",
  "time_left": "00:47:25",
  "time_on": "00:12:35",
  "auto_off": "01:30:00",
  "power_consumption": 2669,
  "electric_current": 12.3


URL: /switcher/turn_on

Method: POST

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
minutes Optional turn on the device with an off timer of 1-180 minutes.

Request body example:

  "minutes": "30"

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/turn_off

Method: POST

Request parameters: None

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/set_auto_shutdown

Method: POST

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
hours Mandatory hours value 1-3.
minutes Mandatory minutes value 0-59.


The auto shutdown configuration value accept any total value of hours and minutes between 1 and 3 hours.

Request body example:

  "hours": "1",
  "minutes": "30"

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/set_device_name

Method: POST

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
name Mandatory device name, accepts length of 2-32 characters.

Request body example:

  "name": "my new device name"

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/get_schedules

Method: GET

Request parameters: None

Response body example:

 "successful": true,
  "found_schedules": true,
  "schedules": [
      "schedule_id": "0",
      "enabled": true,
      "recurring": true,
      "days": [
      "start_time": "17:30",
      "end_time": "18:30",
      "duration": "1:00:00",
      "schedule_data": "0001fc01e871a35cf87fa35c",
      "next_run": "Due next Tuesday at 17:30"
      "schedule_id": "1",
      "enabled": true,
      "recurring": true,
      "days": ["Monday"],
      "start_time": "17:00",
      "end_time": "18:00",
      "duration": "1:00:00",
      "schedule_data": "0101020160a6c95c70b4c95c",
      "next_run": "Due tomorrow at 17:00"


The schedules list can contain up to 8 schedules with the identifiers of 0-7 representing the actual schedule slots on the device.


URL: /switcher/enable_schedule

Method: PATCH

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
schedule_data Mandatory

the schedule_data associated with the chosen schedule.

retrieved with /switcher/get_schedules.

Request body example:

  "schedule_data": "0101020160a6c95c70b4c95c"

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/disable_schedule

Method: PATCH

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
schedule_data Mandatory

the schedule_data associated with the chosen schedule.

retrieved with /switcher/get_schedules.

Request body example:

  "schedule_data": "0101020160a6c95c70b4c95c"

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/delete_schedule

Method: DELETE

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
schedule_id Mandatory

the schedule_id associated with the chosen schedule.

retrieved with /switcher/get_schedules.

Request body example:

  "schedule_id": "2"

Response body example:

  "successful": true


URL: /switcher/create_schedule

Method: PUT

Request parameters:

Key Required Description
days Mandatory

list of days for the schedule to run in.

(empty for non-recurring schedules).

start_hours Mandatory start time hours value 0-23.
start_minutes Mandatory start minutes value 0-59.
stop_hours Mandatory stop time hours value 0-23.
stop_minutes Mandatory stop minutes value 0-59.

Request body example:

  "days": ["Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday"],
  "start_hours": "20",
  "start_minutes": "30",
  "stop_hours": "21",
  "stop_minutes": "0"

Response body example:

  "successful": true

Possible values for the days list:

.. hlist::

   * Sunday
   * Monday
   * Tuesday
   * Wednesday
   * Thursday
   * Friday
   * Saturday


Due to its complexity, the create_schedule request accepts its arguments in the form of a json body only, query parameters will not be accepted.


Unless unhandled, all exceptions will return a json object in response body:

  "successful": false,
  "message": "the error description"