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Cross Platform Entity Framework for game development in HaXe
Written by Tommislav ( |


Version 0.2, migrate from NME ot OpenFL

Update to my comments. Not all that satisfied with that short syntax thing. Better to write out what it actually means. But kind of good since I have such a crappy keyboard on my laptop =)

I'm trying to keep the syntax short, so I'm not always writing the full method names. Like "getEWC" instead of "getEntityWithComponents".
I'm also using a wrapper around each entity to be able to more easily create and work
with entities. Another thing is to be able to chain commands easily.

Syntax looks like this:

// Creates an instance of a manager for all entities
manager = new EntityManager();

// Allocate new entity and add components directly on it
manager.allocateEntity().addComponent(new PositionComponent(0,0)).addComponent(new RenderComponent(someBitmap));

// Get all entities which holds a special type of component definition
entities:Array<EW> = manager.getEWC([PositionComponent]);

// The EW-class is an EntityWrapper. You can modify properties directly on it:
_ew = entities[0];
_ew.addComponent(new GravityComponent(3));
_ew.getComponent(GravityComponent).gravity = 4;

// The comp-method will retrieve an instance of the component class regiestred
// with that entity. If no component of that type exists - a new instance will
// be created, registred and returned
_ew.getComponent(VelocityComponent).vx = 5;

// The manager can return a list of entities containing a specific component
// through the getEWC (get Entity With Components)
// (note the array bracket)

// But you can also get a list of entities which contains a group of components.
// The entity must contain ALL components specified to be included

Soon to come...
 - destroy all entities from a given component
 - dispatch events through all systems
 - global "singletons" components

- We should access componets the same way, not getComp() and comp()
- dispatch events when creating or destroying entities

- Sys.em() -> sys.entManager (getter)


simple entity framework/game engine written in haxe




