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33 lines (23 loc) · 1.87 KB

November 2019

tl;dr: Model aleatoric uncertainty in both RPN and FRN.

Overall impression

This work extends previous work towards safe ad.

After modeling aleatoric uncertainty, performance is boosted almost 9%.

As we are modeling aleatoric uncertainty for each bbox, it is hetereoscedastic by nature.

However they did not report how prediction quality changes with predicted uncertainty.

Key ideas

  • RPN generates 3D bbox that are axis-aligned. Then the RoIPooled features then regress four corners in BEV, top and bottom surface position, and encoded orientation (sin, cos).
  • Aleatoric classification uncertainty is not explicitly modeled as it is self-contained from the softmax score. All regression loss are in the form of uncertainty aware loss. $$L_{uncertainty} = e^{-t} L + t$$
  • Train without uncertainty until almost converges, then add uncertainty. This trains faster.
  • Modeling in FRH gives best performance in easy setting, and in both RPN and FRH gives best performance in moderate and hard.
  • Use TV (total variance) to quantify aleatoric uncertainty. $TV = \sum_i \sigma_i^2$
  • Uncertainty findings:
    • The uncertainty grows with off-base axis angles
    • Uncertainty distribution has peak at smaller value compared to hard setting.
    • Uncertainty decreases with increasing softmax score --> This is a bit contradictory to previous findings. Maybe modeling uncertainty made softmax scores more representative to indicate uncertainty?

Technical details

  • Summary of technical details


  • Focal loss and online hard negative mining focuses on hard examples. However modeling uncertainty ignores noisy (and potentially hard) examples. How does a neural net distinguish this is a hard example or a noisy one?