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Learning Machine-Learning & deep learning

This repository containes my paper reading notes on machine learning and deep learning.

Paper notes

This repository contains my paper reading notes on AI and computer vision. It is inspired by Denny Britz and Daniel Takeshi. A minimalistic webpage generated with Github io can be found here.

What to read

If you are new to deep learning in computer vision and don't know where to start, I suggest you spend your first month or so dive deep into this list of papers. I did so (see my notes) and it served me well.

Here is a list of trustworthy sources of papers in case I ran out of papers to read.

My review posts by topics

I regularly update my blog in Toward Data Science.

2023-12 (1)

2023-09 (3)

2023-08 (3)

2023-07 (6)

2023-06 (5)

2023-05 (7)

2023-04 (1)

2023-03 (5)

2023-02 (4)

2023-01 (2)

2022-11 (1)

2022-10 (1)

2022-09 (3)

2022-08 (1)

2022-07 (8)

2022-06 (3)

2022-03 (1)

2022-02 (1)

2022-01 (1)

2021-12 (5)

2021-11 (4)

2021-10 (3)

2021-09 (11)

2021-08 (11)

2021-07 (1)

2021-06 (2)

2021-04 (5)

2021-03 (4)

2021-01 (7)

2020-12 (17)

2020-11 (18)

2020-10 (14)

2020-09 (15)

2020-08 (26)

2020-07 (25)

2020-06 (20)

2020-05 (19)

2020-04 (14)

2020-03 (15)

2020-02 (12)

2020-01 (19)

2019-12 (12)

2019-11 (20)

2019-10 (18)

2019-09 (17)

2019-08 (18)

2019-07 (19)

2019-06 (12)

2019-05 (18)

2019-04 (12)

2019-03 (19)

2019-02 (9)

2019-01 (10)


2017 and before

Papers to Read

Here is the list of papers waiting to be read.

Deep Learning in general


2D Object Detection and Segmentation


Video Understanding

Pruning and Compression

Architecture Improvements

Reinforcement Learning

3D Perception

Stereo and Flow

Traffic light and traffic sign

Datasets and Surveys

Unsupervised depth estimation

Indoor Depth


Egocentric bbox prediction

Lane Detection


keypoints: pose and face

General DL


Radar Perception


Radar Perception

Reviews and Surveys

Beyond Perception in Autonomous Driving

Prediction and Planning

Annotation and Tooling

Low level DL

Early NLP papers


Technical Debt

To be organized (CVPR 2021 and ICCV 2021 the pile to be read)