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config.json guide

hello mysterious github wanderer, welcome to this repo. you may have noticed a lot of things mentioning a "config.json" and yet no config.json in sight. well, my dear friend (who is dealing with my lack of capitalization) that is because it, like, contains my bot token and stuff, so, i didn't want it here 👍

you must make the file yourself (preferably in the configs folder) and also add it's path as an executable argument when launching the program

here are the keys:

  • token (string, required): y'know, the bot's token.
  • ignore-log-severity (number, optional): a lot of logs can appear, luckily they all have a severity level between 0-5. i'd recommend setting this one to 2 when you aren't testing the bot so that the console isn't flooded too badly.
  • person (string, required): path from targetted config.json to the person.json.
  • database (string, required): path from targetted config.json to a database.json.
  • insane-rambling-chance (number, optional): percentage chance from 0.0-100.0 for the bot to send a message at 12:00 AM every night.


bot for a personal server in which i do personal things




