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Nathan Rajlich edited this page Feb 20, 2015 · 6 revisions

This wiki page contains a list of known ref "type" implementations. Add to this list if you create one of your own!

Built-in "types"

ref itself comes with "type" implementations for the most basic C types:

  • void
  • int8
  • uint8
  • int16
  • uint16
  • int32
  • uint32
  • int64
  • uint64
  • float
  • double
  • Object
  • CString
  • bool
  • byte
  • char
  • uchar
  • short
  • ushort
  • int
  • uint
  • long
  • ulong
  • longlong
  • ulonglong
  • size_t

3rd Party "Types"

  • ref-array - Generates "type" instances that are Array of another "type".
  • ref-bitfield - Generates "type" instances that map named properties to a bit-packed Integer.
  • ref-struct - Generates "type" instances that are a "struct" of one or more other "type"s.
  • ref-union - Generates "type" instances that are a "union" of one or more other "type"s.
  • ref-wchar - A ref "type" implementation of wchar_t * (a.k.a. wide string) backed by node-iconv.
  • enum - Enum is a javascript module that introduces the Enum Type. It works for node.js and in the browser.
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