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This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.


Table of contents


HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-Zivver is a target connector. Zivver provides secure communication solutions, primarily focused on email and file transfer. It offers a platform designed to protect sensitive information, such as personal data or confidential business data, from unauthorized access and interception.

SCIM based API

SCIM stands for System for Cross-domain Identity Management. It is an open standard protocol that simplifies the management of user identities and related information across different systems and domains.

The HelloID connector uses the API endpoints listed in the table below.

Endpoint Description
/users GET / POST / PATCH actions to read and write the user in Zivver
/groups GET / PATCH actions to read and write functional accounts in Zivver


For more information on the Zivver API, please refer to the Zivver website.

Available lifecycle actions

The following lifecycle events are available:

Event Description
create.ps1 Create (or update) and correlate an account. Also, enable the account
enable.ps1 Enable the account
update.ps1 Update the account
disable.ps1 Disable the account
delete.ps1 Only disables the account. Deleting an account is not supported
grantPermission.ps1 Grants permission to the account
revokePermission.ps1 Revokes permission from the account
entitlements.ps1 Retrieves all entitlements
configuration.json Default configuration.json
fieldMapping.json Default fieldMapping.json

Getting started

Functional description

The purpose of this connector is to manage user account provisioning within Zivver.

In addition, the connector manages:

  • Permissions / Named in Zivver: functional accounts

Connection settings

The following settings are required to connect to the API.

Setting Description Mandatory Example
BaseUrl The URL to the API Yes
Token The bearer token to authenticate to the API Yes _

Correlation configuration

The correlation configuration is used to specify which properties will be used to match an existing account within Zivver to a person in HelloID.

To properly setup the correlation:

  1. Open the Correlation tab.

  2. Specify the following configuration:

Setting Value
Enable correlation True
Person correlation field ``
Account correlation field userName


For more information on correlation, please refer to our correlation documentation pages.

Field mapping

The field mapping can be imported by using the fieldMapping.json file.


Mapping a SCIM property like urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User.division is not possible in the field mapping. For this reason, the field mapping is mapped in the Powershell account lifecycle scripts. When adding additional fields please keep in mind you have to enrich the mapping in the PowerShell scripts. Search for Change mapping here for all the mapping locations in the Powershell account lifecycle scripts.


Concurrent actions


Granting and revoking groups is done by editing members after receiving the group members. For this reason, the concurrent actions need to be set to 1.

When HelloID sends too many requests it is possible to receive the error below.

  "code": 429,
  "message": "Too Many Requests",
  "emptiedBucketDetails": {
    "limiterId": "cab",
    "budget": 50,
    "windowSeconds": 10
  "reference": ""


To use Single Sign On in Zivver the SsoAccountKey needs to be filled. In our experience implementing this, we learned that we needed to add the SsoAccountKey to every PUT call on the user to Zivver. This value is not returned by Zivver when using the GET call.


Because Zivver doesn't return SsoAccountKey in the GET call. The connector doesn't know when to update this value. The connector now only updates this field when another value requires an update. Please keep this in mind while implementing this connector.

The HelloID connector is designed to manage the following properties of the user object:

  • name.formatted
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User.division
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:zivver:0.1:User.SsoAccountKey
  • active
  • userName

❗ Properties not mentioned above, are not managed or handled by HelloID.

Updating a Zivver user account

Zivver only supports the HTTP.PUT method for updating user accounts, requiring the entire user object to be included in each call. If a partial PUT is used without the SsoAccountKey the SSO in Zivver will break.

The Zivver user response is used and enriched with the necessary updates. This is how we ensure the entire user GET response is included in each PUT call.

Error handling

When the division could not be found

The field mapping object division is mapped to a property called urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User.division. If the division can't be found within Zivver, an error will be thrown (By Zivver). Error: Invalid division: {name of division}. As a result, the create/update lifecycle action will fail.


If you're not using division, map this field to the fixed value '/'. This is how Zivver returns an empty division so the Compare-Object keeps working in the script.

Getting help

For more information on how to configure a HelloID PowerShell connector, please refer to our documentation pages

If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum

HelloID docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: