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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 23, 2021. It is now read-only.
HSGamer edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 8 revisions


# For the saving task
  period: 600 # Delay between each calls
  async: false # Should it run asynchronously ?
  silent: false # Should it run without any messages?

# The start number of the leaderboard
display-top-start-index: 1

# The list of data lists you want to be ignored (not registered)
# Example:
# ignored-data-list:
# - player_level
# - player_exp
ignored-data-list: []

# The type of storage you want to use
# Available: YAML, JSON
storage-type: JSON

# Should we also use PlaceholderAPI data lists
enable-papi-data-list: false

# This is PlaceholderAPI data lists
# Where you setup the data list for PlaceholderAPI placeholders
# Note that the placeholder should have its final value as a number (or else the data list won't update)
# You can add by adding to the section with the format "<name>: <placeholder>"
  player_x: '%player_x%'
  player_y: '%player_y%'
  player_z: '%player_z%'


prefix: '&f[&aTopIn&f] '
save: '&eThe database has been saved'
success: '&aSuccess'
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this'
player-only: '&cYou should be a player to do this'
getter-registered: '&aThe getter ''<getter>'' is successfully registered'
getter-unregistered: '&aThe getter ''<getter>'' is successfully unregistered'
number-required: '&cNumber is required'
skull-removed: '&aThe skull is removed'
skull-required: '&cA skull is required'
data-list-not-found: '&cThe data list is not found'
- '&6&m               '
- '&b#<index> &a<name>'
- '&a<value> <suffix>'
- '&6&m               '
sign-removed: '&aThe sign is removed'
sign-required: '&cA sign is required'
  - '&6=========== &e<data_list> &6==========='
  - '&6=========== &e<data_list> &6==========='
  - '&a&l#<index> &b<name> &f: &e<value> <suffix>'
illegal-from-to-number: '&cThe ''to'' number must be higher than the ''from'' number'
out-of-bound: '&cA number is out-of-bound'


  • The Display Name of the data lists


  • The Suffix of the data lists


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