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Security: Topscientist/SixpennyCommands

Security Policy | SixpennyCommands

Supported Versions

Currently supported versions:

Version Supported
0.0.1 (Beta)

Reporting a Vulnerability

Found a vulnrebility? Great! Please open up a private vulnrebility report to enable us to get onto it ASAP. If it is a vulnrebility that everyone needs to know about and can be mitigated using the mod normally (I.E: By changing it's settings, without modifying the underlying code) then please open up a pull request and ping myself as part of it along with labelling it "vulnrebility". If the latter is not possible (It cannot be mitigated without modifying the code of the plugin) then please open up a private vulnrebility report.

We will respond to all reports within 48 hours and will get back to you on wether it was accepted/rejected. You will recieve credit for contributing to the secuity of the mod and be included as a contributor to the secuity release.

There aren’t any published security advisories