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Test task for Ozon Internship.

Intern Developer Test Task

Task: Implement a service that provides an API for creating shortened links.

The link should be:

- Unique; only one shortened link should point to a single original URL.
- 10 characters long.
- Consist of lowercase and uppercase Latin alphabet characters, digits, and the underscore symbol.

The service should be written in Go and accept the following HTTP requests:

- POST method, which will save the original URL in the database and return the shortened URL.
- GET method, which will accept the shortened URL and return the original URL.

Extra Credit: Make the service work via gRPC, i.e., create a proto file and implement the service with two corresponding endpoints.

The solution should meet the following conditions:

- The service is distributed as a Docker image.
- In-memory storage and PostgreSQL are expected as storage solutions. The storage to be used is specified as a parameter when starting the service.
- The implemented functionality is covered by unit tests.

Result as a public repository on

Thanks for translation ChatGPT



#inmemory - cache db based on map
#pgx - postgresql db(scripts for db in folder script/sql/)
-dbType=<Type> #Optional, default use pgx

Just Code, No More

Setting and run this script


pg_url=postgres:password@localhost:32773/links # postgres url to connect
httpport=:3011 # http listener port(based on Gin)
gRPCport=:3022 # gRPC listener port 

export pg_url httpport gRPCport 

go run ./cmd/shortURL/main.go -dbType pgx

like this


Docker Container and External DB

Link to docker hub => shorturl

How to build

docker build . --tag shorturl

How to run

docker run -e pg_url=<pgx_user>:<pgx_password>@<pgx_host>:<pgx_port>/links /
-p <http_port>:8080 /
-p <gPRC_port>:50051 /
shorturl -dbType=<typeofdb> #flag is optional, default use pgx


docker run -e pg_url=postgres:password@ -p 3010:8080 -p 3020:50051 shorturl -dbType=pgx

Docker Compose with Postgres

#flag -d for silent start
docker compose up -d
#port forwarding is not displayed in docker desktop
docker compose ps


The API functionality includes the following methods:

Create Shortened Link (POST):
    Method: POST
    Path: /
    Body: Schema
    Response: Schema
    Description: This method accepts the original URL in the request body and saves it in the database. It returns a shortened link consisting of 10 characters, including lowercase and uppercase letters, digits, and underscores.

Get Original URL (GET):
    Method: GET
    Path: /{short}
    Response: Schema
    Description: This method accepts the shortened link as a path parameter and returns the corresponding original URL associated with it.

To use the gRPC protocol, please look at the protobuf file, use schema too




Test task for Ozon Internship.






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