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simple demo actionmailer rails app to send email using gmail

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rails actionmailer sample/example app

  • simple demo actionmailer rails app to send emails
  • you can also send email from local
  • actionmailer
  • SMTP with gmail
  • send email using gmail


  • First you need to turn on access for less secure apps

  • Create rails project with rails version > 4 rails _4.2.6_ new sample_email_app

  • Add following lines at the end of config/environment.rb

     Rails.application.configure do
        config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
     ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
       :address        => '',
       :domain         => '',
       :port           => 587,
       :user_name      => '',
       :password       => 'password',
       :authentication => :plain,
       :enable_starttls_auto => true
     ActionMailer::Base.default :content_type => "text/html"
  • Replace user_name and password with your gmail username and password

  • Create a mailer file rails generate mailer Usermailer This will create a file user_mailer.rb in the app\mailer directory.

  • Add following method in user_mailer.rb

def welcome_email(email_address)
	mail(to: email_address, subject: 'Test Email')
  • Now we need to create a template file which will be used to email. Create a file welcome_email.html.erb in app/views/user_mailer/ And add the following lines:
      <meta content = 'text/html; charset = UTF-8' http-equiv = 'Content-Type' />
      <h1>Welcome to Test Email</h1>
  • Also make a text part for this email, sending both is best practice Create a file welcome_email.text.erb in app/views/user_mailer/ And add the following lines:
Welcome to Test Email

Add the following lines to routes.rb

root "users#index"
get "users/send_email"
  • Create a user controller controllers/users_controller.rb And add following methods for index page and send_email action
       def index
       def send_email
     	respond_to do |format|
     	  format.html { redirect_to root_path, notice: 'Email Sent, Check Inbox' }
     	  format.json { head :no_content }
  • Create index.html.erb file in app/views/users/ And add following lines to it:
     <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
     <%= form_tag users_send_email_path, method: 'get' do %>
       <div class="field">
     	<%= label_tag :email %>
     	<%= text_field_tag :email, nil, style: "width: 100%; max-width: 300px;" %>
       <div class="actions">
     	<%= submit_tag "send email" %>
     <% end %>

And you are ready to go :)

  • run rails s
  • open localhost:3000
  • enter email address
  • click send email
  • check email in inbox

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