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Releases: TownyAdvanced/MapTowny

MapTowny v3.0.0-ALPHA-2

02 Jun 01:36
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This is the second alpha release for v3.0.0. This release contains a couple of bug fixes and one minor addition. Thanks for the patience with these releases and for reporting issues found with them.

Like the last alpha release, I would warn plugin developers from basing their plugins off this MapTowny version. For
the most part, backwards compatibility has been retained, so almost all plugins that utilize MapTowny
should continue working.


  • Fix issue reloading plugin on Folia (#58 courtesy of @Warriorrrr).
  • Fix issue where duplicate points in a claim (when rendering corners) were not being handled properly (#56)
  • Add support for decimal values in the update period.
    • Note: these are decimal values for minutes, so for example 2.5 as the update period would be 2mins 30 secs.


This is an alpha build and has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.


Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v3.0.0-ALPHA-1

25 Jan 05:24
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Thanks for being patient for this release. This is an alpha release because not all features for 3.0.0
are ready yet. The biggest feature not ready yet is having claim colors by townblock type. That feature involves
more invasive changes to the MapTowny pipeline.

As such I would warn plugin developers from basing their plugins off this MapTowny version. For
the most part, backwards compatibility has been retained, so almost all plugins that utilize MapTowny
should continue working.


  • Added support for Folia (#51).
  • Bluemap/Dynmap now render holes within town claims properly (#23).
  • Fixed rendering claims slightly bigger than they should've been.
  • Fixed incorrect claim colors for BlueMap (#49).
  • Fixed not rendering multiple outpost icons (#52, #39).
  • Yeet support for older Pl3xMap versions.
    • This was not intended, but it looks like previous Pl3xMap versions
      are no longer available, so the plugin can't be built against them.
    • Therefore, only the latest Pl3xMap versions will be supported now.


The minimal versions for the web-map plugins were bumped up.

Please make sure one of the following web-map plugins are installed:

  • squaremap 1.2.0 or higher
  • Pl3xMap 1.20.2-473 or higher (older versions not supported)
  • BlueMap 3.15 or higher.
  • Dynamp 3.5 or higher.


This is an alpha build and has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.


Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.2.0

19 Jun 19:18
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This is a relatively minor update with support for a new Pl3xMap version and some API additions.

Sorry for the late release, but there should be more frequent updates now.


  • Add support for Pl3xMap v3 (v1, v2, and v3 will work). Pl3xMap v3 is in the beta phases, so use at your own risk (#44). Thank you to @Agaloth (#45) for adding support.
  • Expand the WorldRenderTown event to support modifying the homeblock and outpost icons. Also allow the marker options to affect icon properties. (#43)

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.1.1

24 Jan 06:05
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MapTowny v2.1.1 Pre-release

Dynmap Color Fix

Quick update to fix Dynmap colors displaying incorrectly.

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.1.0

08 Dec 22:50
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Update Support

This version primarily focuses on updating support for two web-map plugins: Pl3xMap and BlueMap.

This is a great time to address which web-map versions will MapTowny support. MapTowny will always aim to support only the latest versions of the web-map plugins! Even if the latest version of a web-map plugin breaks backwards compatibility with itself, MapTowny will not support older versions. Why? It's hard enough to support multiple web-map plugins; supporting multiple versions of the plugins would be even more chaotic!

There is one exception though. If the latest version of a web-map plugin is in alpha (such as Pl3xMap v2 is), then MapTowny will attempt to support both versions until the latest version is officially released (not in alpha/beta anymore).


  • Add support for Pl3xMap v2 (both v1 and v2 will work). Pl3xMap v2 is in its alpha stages, so please use it at your own risk. (#34 & #36)
  • Update support for BlueMap to v3.3 (versions below 3.3 will not work anymore!) (#33)
  • Add some more tooltip/hover placeholders: (#37)
    • %peaceful%: Sets to true if the town is peaceful, and false if it isn't.
    • %public%: Sets to true if the town is public, and false if it isn't.

Warning: BlueMap versions < 3.3 will not work with this version!

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.0.1

31 Jul 20:36
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Squash Some Bugs

This minor release fixes some bugs in different web-map plugin implementations and also in the API. Highly recommend updating to this version if you are using this plugin with Dynmap or Bluemap.


  • Fix z-Index of the map layers not being applied correctly on Dynmap (#28).
  • Fix icons not being properly overwritten on Dynmap and causing a NPE (#27).
  • Fix icons not being in the correct position on BlueMap.
  • Fix towns not re-rendering on startup on BlueMap.
  • Add some more documentation to the API.
  • Get Jitpack integration working!

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.0.0

29 Jun 03:37
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Maturity at Last

It's the official release of 2.0.0! The beta releases were a huge help in testing vast changes to the plugin. It's been a few months since the last beta build and there were no major bugs reported.


  • Additional API and documentation.
  • Fixed "%" sign being in the wrong spot (#24).
  • Fix initializing BlueMap-related logic multiple times.

That's it?

Yep! While MapTowny is not at full parity with say Dynmap-Towny yet, I have been restraining on making more changes because of the major code re-shuffling that went on between the initial release of MapTowny and the current release. More major changes would have required more beta builds, but before that I want to make sure that there's an official stable release to use.

What's next?

There are a good amount of feature requests for the plugin that I want to work on implementing. I expect by the release of 3.0.0, the plugin will have feature-parity with Dynmap-Towny, better BlueMap support, and maybe some more API additions. If you got any more feature requests, make an issue in the Github tracker!

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.0.0-BETA-2

29 Mar 00:06
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New Interior, Same Exterior

The project's source code has shifted quite a bit to support future development and to offer easier integration for other plugins wanting to make use of MapTowny's API. However, all this shuffling around has not changed how the plugin is configured or used, so there should not be much noticeable impact.

Early BlueMap Support

In an effort to support the majority of common web-map plugins, BlueMap support has been added to MapTowny. However, this is very early support and continued development will be needed to polish it up. BlueMap similar to Dynmap has no support for negative space removal.
So if you use BlueMap, there may be some weird issues that show up. Please if you notice any issues, report it on the Github issue tracker!

Beta Forever?

I'm sure some of you are asking why the new release is still in beta. There was not intended to be a second beta release, however because of all the code being shuffled around and slightly modified, there is a need for verification that nothing broke. Furthermore, 2.0.0 also aims to have API availability so that other official Towny add-ons can sufficiently use it for their web-map needs. The first beta version did not have accessible API, so this beta release fixes that.


  • Added basic BlueMap support.
  • Improved negative space algorithm to detect holes diagonally.
  • Source code re-organized to be a multi-module project with separate modules for each web-map plugin as well as for the API.
  • API additions and documentation.
  • README links updated (courtesy of LlmDl - go sponsor him! - with #20 )
  • Use correct method to get the town/nation map colors (courtesy of Goosius with #18 )

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

MapTowny v2.0.0-BETA-1

09 Jan 20:00
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New Year, New Name

It's only been a few months since the plugin was officially released, and there's already a major version change and a new name. This is due to the original Pl3xMap being archived/abandoned and new forks popping up to replace it. Some of these forks are not called Pl3xMap so supporting them and keeping the plugin called Pl3xMap-Towny could've led in some confusion for users of those forks.

Hence, to account for these changes, the plugin has been renamed to MapTowny. Commands and permissions have been renamed appropriately as well. Make sure to update permissions to have maptowny now.

One for All

In building support for these forks, the plugin was also abstracted out enough to support various web-map plugins, not just Pl3xMap based. What this means is that MapTowny has the potential to combine a lot of specific Towny web-map addons and maintain them under a single plugin. To show this, support has already been implemented for dynmap as well.

Supported Plugins

Support has been added for Pl3xMap, squaremap, and dynmap. Please see the README for links to these plugins.

Dynmap Functionality

Pl3xMap supports a concept called negative space which the plugin uses to show holes where unclaimed plots are when surrounded by claimed plots. Dynmap has no concept of negative space which means that if unclaimed plots are surrounded by claimed plots, then those unclaimed plots may show up as claimed by the town on the web-map.

Dynmap also only supports PNG images for icons, so using any other image type for icons may cause errors.

Warning: This build has not been tested on production servers, so please report any issues on the Github Issue tracker.

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.

Pl3xMap-Towny v1.0.0 Release

19 Oct 04:53
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The first official release of Pl3xMap-Towny!

It has been almost 5 months since the alpha builds of Pl3xMap-Towny were released. Since then, the issues that have been reported have either been very minor bugs or feature requests. The plugin was in the alpha stage to monitor for any map-breaking bugs, and none were really found which is a very good thing.

I have decided to entirely forgo beta testing because of the above and also because I know a lot of server owners are already using this plugin in production. I don't expect there to be any surprises or new bugs with the official release as most of it has been feature additions and minor changes; there was no rewrite of core mechanics between this build and the alpha builds.

Furthermore you may have noticed the github repo for Pl3xMap-Towny has been moved under the official TownyAdvanced github organization. Hopefully that makes it easier for people to find the plugin and centralizes development on it as well, allowing other Towny developers to contribute to the plugin if they want to. For the foreseeable future, I will still be the primary maintainer of the plugin, but as always I welcome and encourage helpful pull-requests.

Change Log (Changes since Alpha Build 3):

  • Add configuration options use-town-color-fill and use-town-color-stroke to allow town colors (changeable via /t set mapcolor in-game) to be displayed as the fill color or stroke color for a claim (#11). These options are disabled by default to maintain the same behavior as previous builds. As newly noted in the config, these options will take priority over nation colors if those options are enabled. A good recommendation would be to have both the nation color options enabled, and also enable the town fill color resulting in the claim being the town color if a town color is present or falling back to the nation color if no town color is present.
  • Fix displaying members with a specific town rank (#13).
  • Fix some claim shapes wrongly generating negative space.
  • Bump up required Towny version to in order to use town map colors.

Minor Note: Due to a Pl3xMap mechanic determining when to update markers, towns that change their nation or town color won't be able to see the color change on the map until they have made a change to their claim (either claiming or unclaiming a townblock).

Download the plugin .jar file from the Assets section below and place the file in the plugins directory of the server.