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TradingToolCrypto edited this page Apr 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

CryptoBridgeLite replicates the standard MetaTrader Buy and Sell Buttons integrated into the charts. These buttons will place Market Orders to the crypto exchange of your choice. This robot can be used with any chart or crypto exchange.


This robot is open-source.

Step 1 - Enter Api Keys

Step 2 - Select Exchange

Step 3 - Select Symbol and more

Now it's time to select the market Symbol_Name and the Lot_Precision with the Quote_Precision. For example on Binance BTCUSDT Spot market you will want to use a value of 4 for the Lot Precision therefore you can enter a 0.0002 lot. Keep in mind every exchange has their own minimum volume size. For Binance Spot market, the value needs to be 10 USD or more. If BTCUSDT is at 60,000 then a 0.0002 will be worth $12. Ok, now you can trade. The Quote Precision isn't important since we are entering with market orders.

If you are trading on Futures, you can also set your Leverage now. If you are trading on Binance Futures, you will want to have HedgeMode == false. Otherwise, you will have a Buy position and sell position when trading. Finally, we have the Exchange_RateLimiter, leave this at 1000 for now.

Step 4 - GUI

Click the Button ^ to show the trading panel. And click that button again to hide. Click it twice if it didn't work the first time ( sometimes MT5 is a little slow).

Step 5 - Customize

To change the color of the buttons

  • EntryColorLong : adjusts the Buy button color
  • EntryColorShort : adjusts the Sell button color

Start Trading

  • Enter your lotsize and press the large buttons with the Bid/Ask price
  • Press B to check your balance (wallets, pnl, margin)
  • Press P to check your positions when trading on leverage (futures)