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Learn Git

Cac lenh git thuong duoc su dung

Clone repository tu remote repository den local repository

git clone <remote_repo_url>

Dong bo code tu remote repository ve local repository

git pull
git pull origin <remote_branch_name>

Chuyen tu trang thai Changes (Red) => Staged Changes (Green)

git add .
git add *

Kiem tra trang thai cua cac file hien hanh

git status

Dua tu trang thai Staged Changes (Green) => COMMITS

git commit -m "<message>"

Xem lich su commit

git log
git log --oneline


git push -u origin master
git push
git push origin master
git push origin master -f

Xem thong tin commit cu the

git show <commit_id>

So sanh cac commit

git diff <commit_id>
git diff <commit_id_1> <commit_id_2>

Dua trang thai cac file tu Staged Changes (Green) => Changes (Red)

git reset
git reset <file>
git restore --staged <file>

Dua tu trang thai commit hien tai ve commit cu hon (Carefully)

git revert master
git revert <commit_id>

Tao nhanh moi co ten la [branch_name] va chuyen sang nhanh do

git checkout -b <branch_name>

Chuyen sang nhanh co ten la [branch_name]

git checkout  <branch_name>

Kiem tra vi tri branch hien tai

git branch

Xoa nhanh

git branch -D <branch_name>

Config alias de viet nhanh hon

git config --global checkout


  • Giup chung ta danh dau cac file k0 can thiet de push len remote

Quy trinh lam viec trong thuc te

  1. pull code moi nhat ve tu base (master/develop)
  2. checkout sang nhanh moi va lam task cua minh
  3. git add, commit, push origin [current_branch]
  4. Tao Pull Request (PR), Chon nguoi review neu can, chon nhanh gop (master/develop)
  5. Tu review lai code, Duoc phe duyet thi merge (Neu co loi thi toi buoc 6)
  6. Neu co loi xay ra can fix thi chung ta can:
    1. Ve VSCode xu ly loi
    2. git add, commit --amend -m "message", push origin [current_branch] -f
  7. Quay lai buoc 5
  8. Can tao PR khac de fix PR truoc (it gap)

Resolve Conflict:

When will conflicts happen?

  1. Change same file + same line
  2. A deleted file X, B modified file X

Method 1: Use rebase

  • Checkout ve master + pull code moi nhat ve $ git co master $ git pull
  • Checkout sang nhanh bi conflict + su dung rebase $ git br $ git co [conflict_branch] $ git br $ git rebase master
  • Vao Visual Code fix conflict su dung hint $ git add . $ git rebase --continue $ git log --oneline
  • Push len github $ git push origin [conflict_branch] -f
Method 2: Using merge
  • Checkout ve master + pull code moi nhat ve $ git co master $ git pull
  • Checkout sang nhanh bi conflict + su dung merge $ git br $ git co [conflict_branch] $ git br $ git merge master
  • Vao Visual Code fix conflict su dung hint $ git add . $ git ci -m "resolve conflict."
  • Push len github $ git push origin [conflict_branch] -f


This is demo git for Nguyen 's Class






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