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Netlify Status



We deploy our site on Netlify. Every commit to main is deployed automatically.

Additionally you can build and deploy the site from your local machine. First you need to setup the Netlify credentials. To do that, execute the following steps:

  1. run yarn netlify login and use your Netlify credentials in the opened browser
  2. run yarn netlify init to start the setup wizard
  3. select Connect this directory to an existing Netlify site
  4. select Use current git remote origin

Now you can use yarn ny:build and yarn ny:deploy to build the site and deploy it the the Netlify servers.


Our site is build with Next.js. To develop locally you need to have some


You need to have 2 tools installed before using any described scripts.

Download and install Node.js. Then you can simply call npm i -g yarn. This will install and add yarn to your PATH.

After these tools installed successfully, run yarn from the project root to install all required npm dependencies.

Start server

For development run yarn dev to start a local server on localhost:3001.

If you want a more control over your developed output, take a look at our Storybook. Start it by running yarn storybook. A server at localhost:9002 is started for you and gives a good overview over all components and pages.

File structure

  • locales/ - JSONs with key-value string pairs for each supported language and namespace
  • scripts/ - Utility scripts that are used for some commands triggert by developers
  • src/components/ - Here are the reusable React components ordered using destiny, the Fractal Project Structure prettier
  • src/graphql/ - GraphQL queries and mutations that are used to generate JS code into generated for easy usage.
  • src/generated/ - Code that is automatically generated through scripts. Do not modify manually.
  • src/lib/ - Utility functions that are used in one or more React components
  • src/pages/ - The routes of the app (pages/api/index.ts -> localhost:3001/api)
  • src/stories/ - Stories for pages that will show up in the Storybook
  • tests/e2e/ - All files related to tests with Cypress
  • public/ - Static hosted files for the Web-App (like favicon.ico to be available on localhost:3001/favicon.ico)

After you edit imports, exports or create new files in src/components/ you can run yarn rearange:components, or yarn destiny to perform an automatic reorganization of the folder/file structure.

Generated folders

  • node_modules/ - Downloaded package dependencies
  • .next - build output directory

Generated code

After the GraphQL API was changed in the backend, the frontend code needs to be updated as well. This needs to be automated in this project.

As soon as we have a running graphql API and the configs are setup, you should be able to run yarn graphql-codegen and all your requests in src/graphql/ are transformed into usable React hooks in the src/generated/ folder.

⚙ Testing

We use Cypress with visual testing to calculate the code coverage and check the integrity of the UI and UX behavior.

Run e2e tests

  1. Run yarn test:e2e
  2. If the command exited without any issues, everything works!

Run unit tests

  1. Run yarn test:unit
  2. If everything is green, everything works!


For new features please open a new branch. The name of the branch should start with the issue ID followed by a dash and the branch name (e.g. 10-my-feature).

When you are ready with your implementation and tests, open a Merge Request (MR) and let your changes be reviewed by the code owner or 2 maintainers.