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Repository files navigation


repo in progress ...

Here worked example:

  • heroku link (first open can be slowly ~10 sec, server on sleep and activated only on request)
  • or hostig link


  • AboutPage
  • Main page "About" with some desc and site navigation, just CSS & some native JS

  • AltAboutPage
  • Alternate singlepage styles with track time script + some effects

  • Portfolio
  • On this page I add some apps with open source

  • BulletinBoardApp
  • Bulletin board for ad: registratin/auth, comments, sort, Bootstrap styles, etc...)

  • BookshelfApp
  • Bookshelf with: "fat models style" & django & native JS & jQuery

    Now realized: saves, notes, map, win/lose, progress tracking, key-items

    For example added minigame "Лодочник"

  • NotesApp
  • Just notes app.Create by React + synch with DjanoApi.Realized CRUD operations, sort,create/optimize title for note

An example can be seen at the link

Or load and init repo :

main dir with settings : "mysite/"

virtualenv envName -p python3.10 
source envName/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate

app 'bookshelf do autologin to 'visitor' acc, u need create this(or u can this disable middleware)

python createsuperuser
   >>> Username: visitor
   >>> Email address:
   >>> Password:visitor
   >>> Password (again):visitor
   >>> Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]:y
python runserver

=> browser