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Tribe Backend

A rails backend for a service oriented application. A user can request and receieve data from endpoints for other users based on interests, location, and also user to user chatrooms. Endpoints include querying a single user, updating a users profile, a list of users based off location and interests.

Tribe Frontend

To see the Frontend application on github for this project [click here](

To visit the application on heroku click here

Design Principles:

The design of this application relies on the facade design pattern. Here's a very high level overview:

  • A controller receives a request from the front end and intiates the creation of a facade, and passes it data(params, from JSON or query).
  • A facade is a ruby class that initializes a Service, and sends the service data to a PORO.
  • A service calls an external api enpoint and returns parsed JSON.
  • The parsed JSON is turned into a Ruby object through a PORO.
  • The object is serialized and sent to the route matching the controller action.

Getting Started

Development setup

ruby 2.7.4 rails 5.2.6


pry v badge shoulda-matchers v badge rspec v badge simplecov v badge json-apiserializer faraday vcr capybara figaro


  1. clone this repository
  2. cd into 'be_tribe' directory
  3. run 'bundle install' to install gems
  4. run rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed} to prepare the database
  5. run bundle exec rspec to run the test suite (run after api set up)
  6. run rails s to launch the production environment
  7. send requests to "https://localhost:5000".


Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 2 57 21 PM

Sam Ivari: GitHub Gunnar Sorensen: GitHub Eldridge Turambi: Github Dillon Parker: Github
Sam Ivari GitHub Gunnar Sorensen GitHub Eldridge Turambi GitHub Dillon Parker GitHub


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