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Production docker image

This docker image is meant to make it easier to run Tribler by encapsulating all the dependencies in a docker container.

How to use

Currently this docker image only works on linux/unix machines, because of the way the gui is passed to the host's x server

To make use of this image, you first need to pull this image from docker hub:

docker pull tribler/docker-tribler-prod

Or build it yourself by building from this repository: (For more options, see the building section below)

git clone
docker build -t tribler/docker-tribler-prod docker-tribler-prod

When the image is pulled or built, it can be run by executing this command: (For more options, see the running section below)

docker run -it \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # Display
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \          # Display
--device /dev/snd \                # Sound
-v $HOME/.Tribler:/home/tribler/.Tribler \ # State folder
-v $HOME/Downloads:/home/tribler/TriblerDownloads \ # Download folder
--name tribler \

After closing the Tribler application, it can be started again by running:

docker start tribler

To remove the container run:

docker rm tribler

Running options

Host networking (-net host)

The host networking options puts the container on the same networking bridge as the computer instead of being behind a shielded network. This option can help when you're having network connectivity problems.

docker run -it \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # Display
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \          # Display
--device /dev/snd \                # Sound
--net host                         # Networking
-v $HOME/.Tribler:/home/tribler/.Tribler \ # State folder
-v $HOME/Downloads:/home/tribler/TriblerDownloads \ # Download folder
--name tribler \

CPU restrictions (-ccpuset-cpus)

The cpu restriction option lets you decide how much cpu power the container may use. In more technical terms it lets you decide which cpu core/thread the program can use.

docker run -it \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # Display
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \          # Display
--device /dev/snd \                # Sound
--cpuset-cpus 0 \                  # CPU restriction
-v $HOME/.Tribler:/home/tribler/.Tribler \ # State folder
-v $HOME/Downloads:/home/tribler/TriblerDownloads \ # Download folder
--name tribler \

Memory restrictions (--memory)

The memory restriction option lets you decide how much memory space the container may use.

docker run -it \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # Display
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \          # Display
--device /dev/snd \                # Sound
--memory 512mb \                   # Memory restriction
-v $HOME/.Tribler:/home/tribler/.Tribler \ # State folder
-v $HOME/Downloads:/home/tribler/TriblerDownloads \ # Download folder
--name tribler \

Building options

The REPO_URL env variable lets you change the repository url of code that the image is going to pull. This can be used for packaging forks of tribler.

docker build -t tribler/docker-tribler-prod \
-e REPO_URL=<url of code repository> \

VERSION (Default: devel)

The VERSION env variable lets you change the specific version that is built during the packaging. This is handled by changing the branch of the repository. So in this way branches and tags can be selected.

docker build -t tribler/docker-tribler-prod \
-e VERSION=<version> \