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This is a rails app that show's the capabilities of the ruby gem

How to run

  1. clone the repo git clone
  2. Be on ruby 2.6.1
  3. Have an instance of BigBlueButton running on a Docker container. Follow this tutorial in order to get a container running.
  4. Modify app/helper/initialize_helper.rb to have the proper credentials for BIGBLUEBUTTON_ENDPOINT and BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET. These credentials are aquired when booting up the docker container for the first time. To aquire theses credentials again
    • Go into your docker instance of BigBlueButton by running the commmand docker exec -it <DOCKER_ID_OF_BBB> /bin/bash
    • run bbb-conf --secret and you should see your credentials
  5. run bundle install
  6. run rails s