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cLASpy_T means 'Tools for classification of LAS file with python and machine learning algorithms' or classification LAS python Tools.
cLASpy_T uses scikit-learn machine learning algorithms to classify 3D point clouds, such as LiDAR or Photogrammetric point clouds. Data must be provided in LAS ou CSV files. Other formats should be supported later (GEOTIFF or PLY), and other machine learning project too (TensorFlow).

Scikit-learn classifiers used in cLASpy_T

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning

What you need

  1. Point cloud file (CSV or LAS) with features describing each point by spectral and/or geometric properties:

    • Spectral features : RGB, LiDAR Intensity, Hyperspectral bands...
    • Geometric features : Planarity, Linearity, Sphericity, Verticality...
  2. 'Target' field in the given point cloud file.
    Supervised algorithms learn to classify each point during the learning step. This step requires a field named 'Target' in the point cloud file, with integer values corresponding to the classes to be learned.

  3. Point cloud without labelled point.
    The output of the learning step is a model, which is used to make predictions on non-labelled point cloud. This point cloud must have the same spectral and/or geometric features as the point cloud used for training.


Install Python 3

cLASpy_T is a Python 3 based program. It requires Python 3.8 64-bit interpreter or earlier version installed. See the Download section of the Beginners Guide from the Python documentation (

To install cLASpy_T, you also need pip and venv python packages.

Once Python 3, pip and venv installed, get the cLASpy_T source code.

Get cLASpy_T source code

First, open a terminal, or a command prompt ('cmd.exe' on Windows). Move to the directory where put cLASpy_T source code, then clone cLASpy_T source code with following command:

git clone

If you do not know what Git is, you also can download cLASpy_T source code on the Github page ( Select the branch you want to download, click on 'Code', then 'Download ZIP'. Once downloaded, unzip the ZIP file in the directory where you want to put the cLASpy_T source code.

Once you clone or download/decompress source code, move to the cLASpy_T directory:

cd cLASpy_T

Create a Virtual Environment

Python may use many packages. To prevent a dirty installation and packages incompatibilities, it could be a great idea to use virtual environment. Here, we will create a specific virtual environment for cLASpy_T with venv. First, create a new directory call '.venv' in the 'cLASpy_T' directory, then use venv command from python to create a new virtual environment named 'claspy_venv':

mkdir .venv
python -m venv .venv\claspy_venv

Now, activate this new virtual environment with:

On Windows:


and the command prompt returns something like:

(claspy_venv) ...\cLASpy_T>

On Linux:

source .venv/claspy_venv/bin/activate

and the terminal returns something like:

(claspy_venv) .../cLASpy_T$

Install all dependencies

The 'requirements.txt' file list all the required packages. We will use pip command to install all dependencies automatically.

First, check if pip needs to be upgraded:

(claspy_venv) ...\cLASpy_T>python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Once done, install all dependencies:

(claspy_venv) ...\cLASpy_T>python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Test the installation

To check everything is OK, use the following command:

(claspy_venv) ...\cLASpy_T>python train -a=rf -i=.\Test\Orne_20130525.las

You should see returns of the program in the command prompt. At the end, a folder named 'Orne_20130525' in the 'Test' folder appears with all result files of this training.

If you run into any issue, feel free to discuss it on the Github page :


cLASpy_T is divided into 3 main modules: train, predict and segment.

  • train: performs training according the selected machine learning algorithm, and the provided data file. The data file must contain fields of features that describe each point, and the target field of label as integer.

  • predict: performs predictions according a previous trained model and file of unknown data. The data file must contain field of features that describe each point. cLASpy_T ignores any 'target' field.

  • segment: performs cluster segmentation of dataset according KMeans algorithm (see scikit-learn documentation).

Use train, predict or segment with --help argument for more details.

'train' module

python train [arguments] -a=algorithm -i=/path/to/the/data.file

Available algorithms

Refer to scikit-learn documentation (

  • rf : RandomForestClassifier > Random forest algorithm
  • gb : GradientBoostingClassifier > Random forest with gradient boosting
  • ann : MLPClassifier > Artificial Neural Network algorithm

Format of data files

The input data must be in LAS or CSV (sep=',') formats.

Example of CSV file:

X,Y,Z,Target,Intensity,Red,Green,Blue,Roughness (5),Omnivariance (5),Sphericity (5)...

Data file must contain:

  • Target field named 'target' (not case-sensitive), contains the labels as integer.
  • Fields of the data features that describe each point.

If X, Y and/or Z fields provided, they are excluded for training, but re-used to write the output file.

To use 'Intensity' field from LAS file, rename it as, for example, 'Original_Intensity' or 'Amplitude'.


-h, --help
Show this help message and exit

-a, --algo
Set the algorithm: 'rf', 'gb' or 'ann'

  • rf > RandomForestClassifier
  • gb > GradientBoostingClassifier
  • ann > MLPClassifier

-c, --config
Give the configuration file with all parameters and selected scalar fields.

  • On Windows: C:/path/to/the/config.json
  • On Unix: /path/to/the/config.json

-i, --input_data
Set the input file of the point cloud.

  • On Windows: C:/path/to/the/input_data.file
  • On Linux: /path/to/the/input_data.file

-o, --output
Set the output folder to save all results.
Default: Create folder with the path of input data.

  • On Windows: C:/path/to/the/output/folder
  • On Linux: /path/to/the/output/folder

-f, --features
Select the features to used to train the model. Give a list of feature names.
Caution: Replace whitespaces by underscores '_'.

-f=['Anisotropy_5m', 'R', 'G', 'B', ...]

-g, --grid_search
Perform the training with GridSearchCV.

-k, --param_grid
Set the parameters to pass to the GridSearch as list in dictionary. If empty, GridSearchCV uses presets. Wrong parameters will be ignored.
Caution: Replace whitespaces by underscores '_'.

-k="{'n_estimators':[50,100,500],'loss':['deviance', 'exponential'],'hidden_layer_sizes':[[100,100],[50,100,50]]}"

-n, --n_jobs
Set the number of processors used, '-1' means all available processors.
Default: -1.

-p, --parameters
Set the parameters to pass to the classifier for training, as dictionary.
Caution: Replace whitespaces by underscores '_'.


Set the Principal Component Analysis and the number of principal components.

Export the feature importance from RandomForest and GradientBoosting algorithms as a PNG image.

Set the random_state for data split in the GridSearchCV or cross-validation.

-s, --samples
Set the number of samples for large dataset (float number in millions points)
samples = train set + test set

Set method to scale the data before training ['Standard', 'Robust', 'MinMax']
See the preprocessing documentation of scikit-learn.
Default: 'Standard'.

Set scorer for GridSearchCV or cross_val_score ['accuracy', 'balanced_accuracy', 'precision', 'recall', ...]
See the scikit-learn documentation.
Default: 'accuracy'

Set the train ratio as float [0.0 - 1.0] to split into train and test data
Default: 0.5.


Pull requests are welcome.
For major changes or bug reports, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change or what does not work.


(See the 'licence_en.txt' file)


Version 2.1 dated 2013-06-21


This Agreement is a Free Software license agreement that is the result of discussions between its authors in order to ensure compliance with the two main principles guiding its drafting:

  • firstly, compliance with the principles governing the distribution of Free Software: access to source code, broad rights granted to users,
  • secondly, the election of a governing law, French law, with which it is conformant, both as regards the law of torts and intellectual property law, and the protection that it offers to both authors and holders of the economic rights over software.

The authors of the CeCILL (for Ce[a] C[nrs] I[nria] L[ogiciel] L[ibre]) license are:

Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives - CEA, a public scientific, technical and industrial research establishment, having its principal place of business at 25 rue Leblanc, immeuble Le Ponant D, 75015 Paris, France.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS, a public scientific and technological establishment, having its principal place of business at 3 rue Michel-Ange, 75794 Paris cedex 16, France.

Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique - Inria, a public scientific and technological establishment, having its principal place of business at Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay cedex, France.


Program to classify remote sensing data (LAS, CSV) based on Scikit-Learn






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