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Kody Kantor <>

RFD 99 Client Library for Collecting Application Metrics


artedi is a Node.js library for measuring applications -- specifically, the services composing Triton and Manta.

This document will be a general overview of how this library is different from other metric client libraries.

This RFD is no longer being updated. All of this information (and more!) is available in the node-artedi GitHub repository in the docs/ directory. node-artedi is an implementation of this RFD.

Intro and Background

Having access to live metrics is very valuable to operations teams. It would help to find issues before they arise, and help to discover where (and in what cases) issues are occurring.

Before we can start collecting metrics from our applications (Manta in particular), we need a metric library that fulfills our requirements. This document is an explanation of the high-level design choices made during the development of this metric client library. This is here so that we can review the design of the library before we start integrating it into our applications.

CMON is beginning to address metric reporting from an infrastructure level. Application level metrics are also important. It would be great we could view the latency of requests, number of jobs running, number and rate of DNS queries, and error counts (and more) occurring in Manta and Triton at a glance. In order to provide application level metrics, we need our applications to expose metrics for a metric collector (Prometheus, telegraf) to collect.

To begin with, we'll be retrieving metrics from Manta as a form of telemetry. The metrics could be rolled into a separate higher-level construct, like a monitoring system. This RFD is only focused on the generation of metrics, and not the monitoring system as a whole, although some discussion of monitoring systems is necessary. Manta and Triton are written in Node.js. There is an existing Prometheus-style metric client called prom-client. prom-client works, but there are some features missing. We would like to be able to pass an instance of a collector into imported libraries so that they can also report their metrics. The use case for this is primarily for node-cueball. We would like to pass a child of a metric collector into cueball so that it can report detailed information about any network errors that are occurring. prom-client doesn't support the notion of child clients.

Another key factor is that the metric client be relatively agnostic to the recipient of metrics. prom-client can output metrics in either json or the Prometheus text format. This metric library will also support json and Prometheus style text formats. Prometheus was chosen for a couple reasons. First is that CMON already exists and exposes the Prometheus format. Second is that it metric scrapers (Prometheus server, telegraf, etc.) have plugins that accept the Prometheus format. In the future it should be possible to add metric formats as needed.

ContainerPilot also ships with metric collection functionality. That is outlined here. ContainerPilot's telemetry architecture is focused around retrieving metrics from applications to influence scaling decisions. In the ContainerPilot architecture, a Prometheus server scrapes an endpoint exposed by a ContainerPilot process within the container. That process then calls a user-provided script or binary within the container. The user-provided script or binary programmed to retrieve metrics from the running process that is the target of instrumentation. This script or binary then return the information via stdout to the ContainerPilot process, which in turn returns the information directly to the Prometheus server.

The main architectural difference between artedi and ContainerPilot is that artedi is designed to be used in-process, as opposed to the ContainerPilot out-of-process metric collector. artedi is also specifically made for Node.js applications, while ContainerPilot is agnostic of programming language. Although artedi is a library designed for in-process instrumentation, it could be wrapped by a Node.js process to enable out-of-process instrumentation. This would enable us to instrument applications like Postgres using artedi.

This library only does conversion to Prometheus when metrics are requested. The metrics are stored in memory in a format that is not specific to Prometheus. When the time comes, it should be relatively easy to add support for another metric format. If all else fails, we can convert everything to json, and then convert from json to the target format in question.

Due to our desire for a parent/child metric client, we have decided to create our own metric client library to use in Node.js. This is a description of some of the design decisions made (and why), and an overview of some things to watch out for in using the library.

Unique Design Elements

Parent/Child Relationship

The parent/child relationship is very important for our use case. This concept is taken from bunyan. This is a description of how it is implemented in this library. A parent collector is created with a set of properties including a name, and a set of labels. Labels are key/value pairs that can be used to 'drill down' metrics. For example, to create a new parent collector:

var collector = artedi.createCollector({
    labels: {
        zone: ZONENAME

And to create a child collector:

var gauge = collector.gauge({
    name: 'marlin_agent_jobs_running',
    labels: {
        key: 'value'

All of the child collectors created from the parent collector will have the label zone=ZONENAME. The child that we created is a gauge in this case. A user could also call .counter(), .histogram(), or .gauge(). Note that when we refer to histograms, we're referring to the Prometheus-style histograms. There are currently no plans to implement the Prometheus 'Summary' collector.

In the Prometheus nomenclature, gauges, counters, histograms, and summaries are all called 'collectors.' For this library, we're also calling the parent instance a 'collector.' The child collector (gauge) that we just created has the following labels: zone=ZONENAME,key=value. It inherited the 'zone' label from its parent. Any metric measurement that we take will include these two labels in addition to any labels provided at the time of measurement. For example:

gauge.set(1, {
    owner: 'kkantor'

The reported metric from that operation will look something like this:

marlin_agent_jobs_running{zone="e5d03bc",key="value",owner="kkantor"} 1

Log/Linear Buckets

One of the major problems with creating histograms in existing metric clients is that they require the user to provide a static list of bucket values for values to fall into. There are some problems with this, and to understand them we first need to understand what role buckets serve.

Buckets are upper bounds on the value being tracked. For example, if a histogram is tracking request latency, you may have the following buckets: [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, Inf] where each number represents time to completion in milliseconds. Inf is a special bucket that counts ALL values, including those that are greater than the largest bucket. So the value of Inf is >= sum(all bucket counts). Each bucket counts values that are less than or equal to the bucket. So for a request that took 222ms, the 300, 400, 500, and Inf buckets will be incremented.

This sounds good if we know that we'll have a normal distribution of inputs and we know the approximate values that we should be receiving. This makes a lot of sense for simple use cases, like a webserver that serves text files. The latency of something simple like that should be relatively consistent. The usefulness of static buckets degrades quickly when workloads become much more varied.

In Muskie, for example, we have some operations that finish quickly (putdirectory), and some that can take a long time (putobject). The latency of putdirectory will be relatively stable and low when compared to putobject. The latency of putobject can vary widely based on how large the object being uploaded is. We would like fine granularity when monitoring the latency of putdirectory, and a coarse granularity when monitoring putobject.

With current metric clients, we have to either know the expected behavior of our application, or sacrifice either fine or coarse granularity in order to get accurate measurements from histograms.

Luckily, this problem has been solved in-house already! DTrace has support for log/linear quantization. In short, it gives us the ability to represent both fine and coarse granularity in the same histogram. For more information on log/linear quantization, see this DTrace blog post.

Rather than requiring the user to provide a static list of buckets, log/linear buckets can be automatically generated. They are still static buckets in that the value of the bucket itself doesn't change. They are, however, dynamic in that the number of buckets can expand out as needed by the client's observations.

Let's take an example. If my application observes a latency of 6ms, this is what a set of log/linear buckets would produce:

# HELP muskie_request_latency_ms latency of requests completed
# TYPE muskie_request_latency_ms histogram
http_request_latency_ms{le="1"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="3"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="5"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="7"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="9"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="+Inf"} 1
http_request_latency_ms_count{} 1
http_request_latency_ms_sum{} 6

Now if my application observes a latency of 600ms, this is what we receive:

# HELP http_request_latency_ms latency of requests completed
# TYPE http_request_latency_ms histogram
http_request_latency_ms{le="1"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="3"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="5"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="7"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="9"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="81"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="243"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="405"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="567"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="729"} 2
http_request_latency_ms{le="+Inf"} 2
http_request_latency_ms_count{} 2
http_request_latency_ms_sum{} 606

And then maybe we observe a latency of 60000ms!

# HELP http_request_latency_ms latency of requests completed
# TYPE http_request_latency_ms histogram
http_request_latency_ms{le="1"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="3"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="5"} 0
http_request_latency_ms{le="7"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="9"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="81"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="243"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="405"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="567"} 1
http_request_latency_ms{le="729"} 2
http_request_latency_ms{le="59049"} 2
http_request_latency_ms{le="177147"} 3
http_request_latency_ms{le="295245"} 3
http_request_latency_ms{le="413343"} 3
http_request_latency_ms{le="531441"} 3
http_request_latency_ms{le="+Inf"} 3
http_request_latency_ms_count{} 3
http_request_latency_ms_sum{} 60606

We can see that log/linear buckets give us a lot of flexibility while only removing a slight bit of precision.

Prometheus is fine with this way of adding additional buckets between scrape periods as long as we don't modify the bucket values themselves.

Dynamic Labelling

We can see in the last example that the metric inherited two labels, and we additionally crated a third label (owner="kkantor") on the fly. Existing metric clients (prom-client, the Golang Prometheus client) don't allow for dynamic creation of labels. We allow that in this library. It is also unique for this library to allow for 'static' key/value pairings of labels. Existing clients only allow users to specify label keys at the time a collector is created, but we are allowing a user to specify both a label key and value (labels{'zone'} vs labels{zone: ZONENAME}).

By allowing on the fly creation of labels, we gain a lot of flexibility, but lose the ability to strictly control labels. This makes it easier for a user to mess up labeling. For example, a user could do something like this:

var counter = collector.counter({
    name: 'http_requests_completed',
    help: 'count of requests completed'

if (res.statusCode >= 500 && res.err) {
        method: req.method,
} else {
        method: req.method

// Elsewhere in the code...
collector.collect(artedi.FMT_PROM, function (err, str) {

 * If both of the counter.increment() statements are hit once each,
 * the output might look something like this:
 * HELP: http_requests_completed count of requests completed
 * TYPE: http_requests_completed counter
 * http_requests_completed{method="putobject"} 1
 * http_requests_completed{method="putobject",err="Service Unavailable"} 1

The above example shows that two different metrics were created. This is possibly the intended behavior, but depending on how queries are being run, this may result in information being lost. Other implementations would require a user to define labels up-front, and throw an error if the user tried to create a label ad-hoc, like above.

Merits of up-front label declaration:

  • Programming mistakes become runtime errors, rather than producing valid, but confusing data
    • This defines a type of 'metric schema'

Merits of dynamic label declaration:

  • Flexibility, ease of use

In the end, we decided to implement dynamic declaration due to the increase in flexibility.

Triggered Metrics

Traditionally, metrics are collected continuously and synchronously. For example, whenever a user makes a GET request, a counter to track HTTP requests is incremented. This makes sense for lightweight things, like counting HTTP requests, but doesn't work well for remote instrumentation. Remote instrumentation might mean that we are trying to collect metrics from a Postgres instance running on another machine, for instance. Instrumenting something like Postgres would require us to make a network request, and may involve some heavy lifting on the Postgres side as well depending on what type of information we're trying to retrieve.

To provide for this use case, we'll introduce the notion of 'triggered metrics.' A triggered metric can take two forms:

  1. A metric that is observed only once metrics are scraped
  2. A metric that is observed once in a while

An example of 1) could be a Gauge tracking the amount of free RAM on a system. The amount of RAM that was free 10 seconds ago doesn't matter. The amount of RAM that is free when we make our collection is what we want.

An example of 2) could be a Gauge for the total number of records stored in a Postgres table. Something like that may involve a SQL query being run, and we may only want coarse time granularity for such an operation (i.e. every couple minutes). Note that this could also be implemented as an example of 1).

To accomplish this, the collect() function will be asynchronous. An API will be provided that allows a user to register a metric with a scheduled collection period. At collection time, the each of the metrics in the 'trigger registry' could be invoked. This is similar to existing solutions, like boolean health checks.

Further implementation details have to be worked out when we implement Triggered Metrics. Triggered Metrics will be implemented soon after the initial release, as they're a necessary feature to efficiently gather some types of metrics.

Children are leaf collectors

Children cannot be created from children. That is, a user can't call .gauge() on a Counter to create a child Gauge.

The name of the metric (marlin_agent_jobs_running from our example) is created by appending the namespace field from the parent collector to the subsystem and name fields of the child, separated by underscores.

When a child collector is created, the parent registers the collector. This is done for two reasons. The first is that the user only needs to call .collect() on the parent collector in order to generate metric output. The second is so that child collectors are not garbage collected into non-existence after they are dereferenced by whatever function created them to measure a certain task. When a user calls .gauge() on a parent collector, it may or may not create a new gauge depending on if one with the same metric name (marlin_agent_jobs_running from our example) already has been registered.


Metric Cardinality

To illustrate this problem, let's say that we have the label keys method, code, and username. method can take the values get, and post. code can take the values 200, 500, and 404. username can take any value from a list of 100 users. The number of possible counters created in this situation is (2*3)*100=600. For this very small data set, you can see that we have the possibility of having a shitload of data. Keeping unbounded fields like username to a minimum (or not including them at all) is very important to maintaining a manageable amount of data (as well as conserving memory in the metric client and server). This is called the problem of metric cardinality.

Javascript Numbers

Numbers in Javascript are 64-bit floats. The maximum value for a number in Javascript is (2^53)-1. There is a possible danger here because of the way Counters function. A Counter counts up, and is unbounded. We could theoretically overflow the number value. If we instrument a process that performs one thousand requests per second, and we were incrementing a counter for each request, it would take us many years to reach the overflow point.

Other Thoughts and Ideas

Aggregated Metrics

Rather than making a programmer choose which fields to collect at the time of observation, the programmer could observe all of the possible fields, and then choose which fields to keep.

Take Muskie as an example. Currently we collect only a subset of fields (latency, request method, response code, etc.). We could change that to collect all of the information about a request (user, local/remote IP, metadata shard, sharks, etc.). When we initially create the collector, we specify which of the metrics we want to keep. The metrics that we don't want to keep are aggregated away at observation time.

This is especially useful when we go to instrument things like Cueball, where different fields will be relevant (and efficient to collect) for each application component. For example, it may be efficient (in terms of cardinality) for Muskie to collect a 'remoteIP' field, but not efficient for CloudAPI to do so.

This makes it easier for application developers to know which fields will be collected, and stops them from accidentally adding fields that may make querying difficult.

Dropwizard and Prometheus Histograms

Dropwizard is a Java framework that (among other things) provides a popular Java library used to instrument applications. The instrumentation library is similar in scope to artedi. There are a couple fundamental differences in the way that Dropwizard's library and artedi function, especially with respect to histograms.

Dropwizard histograms have a pretty complex implementation on the client-side. As metrics are observed, they are added to a reservoir. Quantiles are calculated each time a metric is observed. If a user wants to know, for example, what the 90th percentile of a given metric is, it would be a simple lookup due to the functionality of reservoirs and histograms. A reservoir is a type of in-memory database that can have a number of different rules for eviction of records. For example, a reservoir could be configured to use a sliding window, which retains a user-defined N metrics in memory. When N+1 metrics have been observed, the first observed metric is evicted from memory. Dropwizard places the burden of calculating quantiles on the client library.

Prometheus histograms have a relatively simple implementation. Prometheus places the burden of calculating histogram quantiles on the server. When a metric is observed, the Prometheus client simply increments a set of buckets. Metrics are retained indefinitely on the client-side because they carry next to no cost to retain.

Server-side histogram quantile calculation has benefits and drawbacks. One major benefit is that a quantile based on any percentile can be calculated at any time. With Dropwizard histograms, only a set number of quantiles can be calculated, and they have to be defined when the client begins collecting metrics. The major drawback to server-side quantile calculation is that the server may have to iterate through an enormous amount of historical data to produce a result. This can cause lead to slow server performance.

Prometheus clients may implement a metric type called a 'summary'. Summaries more closely resemble Dropwizard-style histograms. Quantile calculation is done on the client side, and there are sets of rules for how metrics are retained and evicted. At this point Prometheus-style summaries are not implemented in artedi, though we could add them at a later point if we find it necessary.

For more information on Prometheus histograms and summaries, see this page: .

Instrumenting Libraries

One cool thing that we might think about doing is instrumenting common libraries. We are already planning on doing something like this for Cueball. We could conceivably instrument something like Restify so we wouldn't need to specifically track counts and latency of http requests in our applications. The downside of doing something like this (specifically with Restify) is that the library may not know all of the information that we may like to convey in our metrics. Examples of those things would be usernames, request IDs, etc.

Scrape Endpoint and Push Gateway Support

Some other metric client libraries provide a built-in server that can make it more convenient to expose metrics. In our applications, we may be required to stand up another server to expose metrics as a way to ensure metrics don't fall into the wrong hands. We could design this in such a way that it is pluggable so a user could choose to expose metrics via Restify, node-fast, a flat file, or something else. Disadvantages to this approach is that it is potentially quite a bit of extra code to maintain, and we may not be able to efficiently write this in a way that gives us the flexibility we require. We will have to revisit if this is needed or helpful.

Separately, it may make sense for us to add support of push gateways to this library. For applications that are only behind private networks the pull model will sometimes not work. Prometheus suggests placing a Prometheus server within the boundaries of the private network, but that won't work well for our case when application owners may create an arbitrary number of private networks. Push gateways are one way to solve this, and would require client library support.

We'll have to revisit this topic when we have thought more about how we will discover applications (and processes within applications) providing metrics.

Retention Period

For now, the amount of time we retain metrics will be up to the operators of the metric server. Retention periods are in the scope of a not-yet-created RFD, so when we start working on an end-to-end solution for instrumentation we will have to revisit the question of how long to retain scraped metrics.


We should try to maintain standard naming conventions for our metrics. For Prometheus, they are outlined here. As a summary, metrics should have generic names when it makes sense (http_requests_completed), and specific names when needed (marlin_agent_jobs_running). Labels should be used to break generic metrics into specific measurements. These two things allow for more powerful queries to be made at the monitoring dashboard.

Names chosen for metrics are deceptively important. Changing names of metrics after they have been running in the wild should be considered a breaking change. Changing names of metrics results in a couple possibly unforeseen consequences. The first is that dashboards and queries have to be recreated to use the new metric name. The second, and more deceptive reason, is that changing names make historical metric queries much more difficult, if not impossible.

This will be covered more in-depth in a future RFD, as this applies specifically to the instrumentation of applications.

CLI Usage

It may be useful to provide a CLI wrapper around this library to dynamically instrument arbitrary applications. Dave Pacheco's statblast is an example of what we're would be going for. Imagine being able to instrument your favorite system monitoring tools directly from the CLI! Further, we could use DTrace to inspect a running system and instrument pieces of the application that are not normally instrumented. An example of this could be counting Restify entry/exits by pairing the already existing DTrace probes with this library to tie DTrace output into the power of monitoring systems.

It may also separately be useful for applications to provide CLI tooling for scraping their metrics. For instance, if my application exposes metrics via node-fast, my application could provide a simple tool to allow CLI users to call the proper fast RPC endpoint to access the metrics and print them to the terminal. This portion is out of the scope of this document, but it is good to keep in mind, and is related to the previous idea.

Other things

  • We can potentially use DTrace to do some cool things here, like to help determine what values are really coming in through Histograms so we can make more intelligent decisions when creating buckets (thanks, Chris!). Also, possibly using DTrace like we do in Bunyan with bunyan -p to collect metrics that are not usually collected in production (debug metrics, if you will).