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node-statblast: send statsd-like metric data

This README is aspirational! None of this exists yet.


var mod_assert = require('assert');
var mod_os = require('os');
var mod_statblast = require('statblast');

var hostname = mod_os.hostname().replaceAll(/\.*/g);
var blaster = mod_statblast.createBlaster({
    /* all arguments optional, but you almost certainly want statsd_stats */
    'backend': 'statsd',

    'statsd_mode': 'udp',
    'statsd_host': '',
    'statsd_port': 8125,

     * Queue up to 2 seconds' worth of data or 500 datapoints (whichever is
     * smaller) before dropping if needed.
    'statsd_queue_npoints': 1000,
    'statsd_queue_nmsecs': 2000,

     * With this configuration, statblast creates two families of stats.
     * The values of %_name, %host, and %method come from metadata supplied
     * each time you emit the stat.
    'statsd_stats': {
        'myapp.requests': [

 * createBlaster will return an Error in the event of invalid configuration.
mod_assert.ok(!(blaster instanceof Error));

blaster.on('warn', function (err) {
	console.error('statblaster: %s', err.message);

setInterval(function () {
	 * This sends two values to statsd:
	 *    myapp.requests.host001    5
	 *    myapp.requests.GET        5
	 * These are driven by the configuration above.
	blaster.counter('myapp.requests', {
	    'host': mod_os.hostname(),
	    'method': 'GET'
	}, 1);
	 * Ditto, but with a gauge.
	blaster.gauge('myapp.concurrent_requests', {
	    'host': mod_os.hostname()
	}, 1);
}, 1000);

Quick start using Docker

  1. Set up the kamon-io Statsd + Graphite + Grafana Docker image. This should be just a "docker pull" plus a "docker run" that exposes at least the statsd UDP port and Grafana HTTP port.

  2. Clone this repo:

     $ git clone
     $ cd node-statblaster
  3. Set the STATBLAST_HOST environment variable to the IP of your Docker host. If you're using boot2docker to run Docker, you can get this IP with boot2docker ip.

     $ export STATBLAST_HOST=
  4. Start the demo statblast emitter:

     $ node examples/synth.js

    The demo won't emit anything as long it's emitting data normally.

  5. Open up Grafana. You would normally access this by pointing your browser at the same IP you set STATBLAST_HOST to.

  6. Using the Grafana UI, add a new query for the Graphite expression:




statsd is a collector for metric data (e.g., performance counters, timers, and the like). It aggregates this data and ships it to some metric storage backend like graphite. Stats are described using dot-delimited names. You might use a stat name like this to represent the total number of requests to your app's frontend:


There are a few different types of stat in graphite, like counters (whose values are added together), gauges (where subsequent values replace previous ones), and timers (whose values are bucketed like a histogram). Stat names are not predefined anywhere. Applications just start sending values tagged with a stat name and stat type, and statsd and graphite auto-create them as needed. This makes it quite easy to add new metrics to deployed software.

Stat metadata

When you want to add metadata to these stats, the pattern is to include that metadata in the stat name. So if you want a count of requests by instance name (i.e., hostname), you might send these stats instead of the one above:


When you fetch this data out (i.e., for a dashboard), graphite supports queries like:

groupByNode(myapp.frontend.nrequests.*, 4, "sumSeries")

which would produce a single graph with three lines, one for each host, or:


which would produce one graph with the sum of all requests.

You can do this with more metadata, too. For example, you could have stats tracking the hostname, request type, and response code:


which would allow you to plot graphs of total requests, requests by hostname, requests by status code, requests by method, and so on. Not surprisingly, this gets more unwieldy the more metadata fields you have, and it doesn't work well if metadata fields would include dots (e.g., hostnames).


statblast is a client library for sending statsd-like stats with additional metadata. It doesn't solve the problems described above, where metadata encoded in the stat name becomes unwieldy as you add more kinds of metadata. What it does today is provide an interface for recording stat data that could support a richer backend in the future.

You use statblast by creating a Blaster, configured as shown in the synopsis above. The basic method used on the blaster is:

blaster.blast(type, basename, metadata, value);


  • type is the statsd type for this metric: counter or gauge.
  • basename is the name for a family of related stats. As an example, "myapp.requests" would be a useful basename for stats that include total requests, requests by host, and requests by method.
  • metadata is an object with key-value pairs.
  • value is the update you want to apply for this metric. The meaning of this depends on the type. For counters, the value is added to the current value of this stat. For gauges, the value replaces the current value of the stat.

For the statsd backend (the only backend currently supported), this uses the Blaster's configuration to send zero or more statsd data points to the blaster. The basename is looked up in the statsd_stats config object. If present and an array, then each entry in that array will produce a new statsd value whose stat name is constructed by expanding the metadata key-value pairs. For example, in the configuration:

'statsd_stats': {
    'myapp.requests': [

when you call:

blaster.blast('counter', 'myapp.requests', {
    'host': 'host001',
    'method': 'GET'
}, 10);

This produces two statsd datapoints:


both with value 5. These names come from expanding metadata values in the strings (identified with '%'). The expansion '%%' expands to a literal '%', and the expansion '%_name' expands to the basename.

If you blast a stat that's not defined in the configuration, statblast just ignores it. The idea is that your app can record whatever it wants and you can reconfigure statblast to filter out only the events you want to send.

Error handling

For most applications, metric systems are best-effort. They should be as available as possible, but if they go down, they should not bring down the service they're monitoring. As a result, statblast generally doesn't emit errors once it's correctly configured. (That is, it may emit configuration validation errors, but it won't emit errors as a result of network connectivity problems, unknown stats being emitted, or the like.)

That said, it's useful to be able to tell the status of statblast's downstream connection. There are a few status methods on the blaster:

  • nominal(): returns a boolean indicating whether all downstream backends are operating normally. In TCP mode, this means that there's an open TCP connection to the downstream statsd server and data is flowing. However, if there are no stats configured, then nominal() will return true even if the TCP connection doesn't exist.
  • nconnects(): returns the number of successful TCP connections (indicates roughly how many times connectivity to the server has been lost)
  • nattempts(): returns the number of TCP connect attempts (both successful and failed) that have been started
  • lastWriteTime(): returns the timestamp before which all data has been transmitted successfully, or null if data has not been transmitted. This is useful for understanding the last time
  • lastError(): if nominal() would return true, this returns null. If nominal() returns false, then this returns an Error object describing what's wrong. This is normally what would be emitted as an error event, except that for the reasons described above we don't consider this a fatal error.
  • nqueued(): number of data points queued (because of a previous disconnect)
  • ndropped(): number of data points dropped (because the queue overflowed)

Additionally, events are emitted to indicate state changes:

  • nominal: status was not previously okay, but is now (see nominal() above)
  • warn: status was previously okay, but is not now. Argument includes the Error object that would be returned by lastError().

Queueing data during transient failures

On the one hand, it would be nice if when the stat collector (e.g., statsd) goes down, data is not lost during that period. statblast could queue data points locally until statsd comes back, but there are several problems with this:

  • If statsd is down for an extended period or while application activity is high, an unbounded amount of memory could be used, eventually running your program out of memory.
  • There's a thundering herd problem when the collector comes back up and all of the data sources transmit their queued data points. With a naive approach, if the sources are producing N data points per second, and the collector is down for M seconds, then the collector may end up seeing M times the initial load for several seconds! This is particularly bad when the collector went down due to excessive load in the first place. It can be very difficult to recover a system from this state.
  • The statsd protocol does not provide timestamps. Timestamps are inferred at the collector, not recorded at the source. So while you could alleviate the thundering herd problem by throttling the number of queued data points sent per second, the result would appear wrong because the metric system would make it look like some events happened over a longer period that may have happened all at once. Plus, you'd be forced to choose between sending data in order, in which case real-time data would be queued until all queued data has been sent, or sending data out-of-order, indicating that some events happened in a different order than they actually did.

As a compromise, statblast queues data for up to two seconds by default: this is short enough that it's unlikely to accumulate much extra data than normal, and data won't appear too far from when it actually happened in time, but it's long enough to survive transient statsd failures.


To make this concrete:

  • When you initialize the blaster with at least one stat, nominal() returns false, nconnects() returns 0, nattempts returns 1, lastWriteTime() returns null, lastError() returns an error indicating that we're disconnected, and queued() returns 0.
  • When the blaster initially connects to the downstream statsd server, nominal is emitted, nominal() returns true, nconnects() returns 1, lastWriteTime() returns a timestamp around when the connection was created, lastError() returns null, and queued() returns 0.
  • Suppose the statsd server goes down. warn is emitted, nominal() returns false, lastError() returns an Error describing what happened, and lastWriteTime() returns a timestamp shortly before the disconnect. As statblast tries to reconnect, the value returned by nattempts() increases. lastWriteTime() and lastError() will not change until a reconnect completes successfully. As the app continues to emit data points, the value returned by nqueued() increases until the queue overflows, at which point ndropped() starts increasing.
  • Suppose the statsd server is brought back up. When statblast finally reconnects, nominal is emitted, nconnects() increases by one, nominal() returns true, lastError() returns null, and queued data points are transmitted downstream. nqueued() should decrease to 0, and lastWriteTime() will increase to slowly reach the current time.

Inspecting statblast with DTrace

On systems with DTrace support, statblast provides DTrace probes that fire whenever any counter or gauge is updated. The included statblast.d script prints out all counters and gauges being updated on the system. As an example, run the demo above, and then in a separate terminal, run:

$ sudo ./bin/statblast.d 
 70542 counter     1 myapp.requests {"host":"sharptooth","method":"GET"}
 70542 counter     1 myapp.requests {"host":"sharptooth","method":"GET"}
 70542 counter     1 myapp.requests {"host":"sharptooth","method":"GET"}
 70542 counter     1 myapp.requests {"host":"sharptooth","method":"GET"}

The script runs until you kill it. Each time a counter or gauge is updated, it prints the pid that updated it, the type of stat (counter or gauge), the value, and the basename and metadata (see above).

Sending data from the command line

There are lots of programs that emit periodic numeric output, and for prototyping it's often useful to transmit data directly from these programs. For example, on systems with DTrace support, this command prints the number of system calls per second across the whole system:

$ dtrace -q -n 'syscall:::{ @ = count(); }' \
    -n 'tick-1s{ printa(@); clear(@); }'





This package provides statblast(1), a command-line tool for transmitting data. You could ingest this system call data directly into statsd using:

$ dtrace -q -n 'syscall:::{ @ = count(); }' \
    -n 'tick-1s{ printa(@); trunc(@); }' | \
    statblast --global-metadata="host=$(hostname)" \
        --statsd-host=... \
    --statsd-stats=myapp.syscalls.%host \

statblast reads the piped data and treats each blank line like a call to the Node.js .blast function above. The default type is "counter" (use --type=gauge for a gauge). "myapp.syscalls" is the basename. The other flags correspond to the configuration options for creating a blaster. Global metadata are a list of key-value pairs that should be supplied for all data points.

You can also ingest data that has metadata for each point. For example, this similar script emits data points not just for each second, but also for each syscall:

$ dtrace -q -n 'syscall:::{ @[probefunc] = count(); }' \
      -n 'tick-1s{ printa(@); trunc(@); }'

  workq_kernreturn                                                 75
  __semwait_signal                                                 79
  sendmsg                                                          98
  write                                                           124
  read                                                            174
  recvmsg                                                         192
  psynch_cvwait                                                   374
  kevent                                                          570
  ioctl                                                          8315

Here's a one-liner that transmits this data and includes the system call name (e.g., "ioctl") as stat metadata (that, with the statsd target, gets incorporated into the stat name):

$ dtrace -q -n 'syscall:::{ @[probefunc] = count(); }' \
      -n 'tick-1s{ printa(@); trunc(@); }' \
    statblast --global-metadata="host=$(hostname)" \
        --statsd-host=... \
    --statsd-stats=myapp.syscalls.%host \
    --statsd-stats=myapp.syscalls.%syscall \
    --format=syscall,value \

Here's a duct-tape one-liner for OS X that transmits IOPS for this host:

$ iostat 1 | statblast --format=-,value
    --global-metadata=host=$(hostname) \
--statsd-stat=myapp.iops.%host \


send statsd-like metric data







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