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An API Playground.

  • Great for demonstrating an API's functionality
  • Useful for doing story acceptance when developing an API
  • Gives pretty-printed output and the browser saves your input making it easy to reuse


Add the whurl_engine gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'whurl_engine'

Use the built-in rake tasks to copy the migrations to your app and migrate your db:

rake whurl_engine:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Then in your main app's routes.rb file, add this to make the whurl_engine routable:

mount WhurlEngine::Engine => "/whurl", :as => "whurl_engine"

Figure out how you want to authorize users for setting up the documentation vs. viewing it. Whurl comes with a default CanCan adapter. To us it install the cancan gem in your app and add a new whurl.rb to config/initializers:

WhurlEngine.config do |config|
    config.current_user_method { current_user }

...and your ability.rb file looks like this: class Ability include CanCan::Ability

    def initialize(user)
        user ||= # guest user (not logged in)
        if user.admin?
            can :manage, :all
            can :read, :all
            can :access, :whurl_engine
            can :create, WhurlEngine::Whurl

Finally, look at your new API playground by starting your rails server and hitting up the right URL:


Customize Whurl to Match Your Application

Rails 3.1 Mountable Engines make it easy to override or extend many parts of Whurl. If you need to override a method, view or partial, create the corresponding file in your main app directory and it will be used instead.

  • Controllers & Helpers: See Engines::RailsExtensions::Dependencies for more information.
  • Views: now handled almost entirely by ActionView itself (see Engines::Plugin#add_plugin_view_paths for more information)

For instance, you may want to change the overall presentation layout of Whurl to match your app. To do so, simply create a new application.html.haml in the corresponding directory your main app:

_ my-app
\_ app
  \_ views
      \_ whurl_engine
        \_ application.html.haml

Goals for this project

Whurl is inspired by hurl, and the Apigee Console

  • Use HTTPS for all requests, assume all users are passing sensitive data
  • Provide a usable tool for working with APIs
  • Further the use of Whurl through viral "whurls" - the urls that represent an API request
  • Prevent abuse - users should not be able to use Whurl as a proxy for a DoS attack or similar

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally (actually, this should come before adding code, TDD!).
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request.


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