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SnowMail is a contact form manager for modern websites which allows for central management of contact forms across multiple websites.


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SnowMail is a contact form manager for modern websites which allows for central management of contact forms across multiple websites.

Form Editor

System Requirements

  • Linux server (Ubuntu recommended)
  • 1 CPU core
  • 1GB memory
  • Unblocked port 25 (not required if using a plugin to handle form submissions without SMTP)
  • Docker (with compose) installed


Download the Docker compose file from GitHub.


Set the following environmental variables (either in a .env file, in the shell, or in docker-compose.yml):

  • APP_SECRET: A long (16-32 character) secret used for signing JWTs
  • EMAIL_FROM: The email address that all contact form submissions are sent from
  • MAILNAME: The (sub)domain part of EMAIL_FROM

See .env.example for the full list of environmental variables.


You should add the IP address(es) of your SnowMail instance to the SPF record of the EMAIL_FROM (sub)domain and configure reverse DNS. Use a service like mail-tester to test your configuration.

Then, start the container:

docker compose up -d


While it is possible to run SnowMail without Docker, using Docker allows you to set up a SnowMail instance with MongoDB and an SMTP server in just a few commands. The documentation assumes you have installed SnowMail using Docker.

SnowMail runs on port 8025 by default. It is recommended to run SnowMail behind a reverse proxy with SSL configured.


DKIM is optional, but recommended as some email providers mark unsigned emails as spam. To configure DKIM, run the following commands in ./data/dkim to create new DKIM keys:

openssl genrsa -out rsa.private 1024
openssl rsa -in rsa.private -out rsa.public -pubout -outform PEM

Then, create a new TXT record at dkim._domainkey.DOMAIN_HERE with the content k=rsa; p=PUBLIC-KEY-HERE.

If you've already started SnowMail, run docker compose up -d --force-recreate to apply the changes.


In most cases, you can update SnowMail just by running the following commands:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Read the release notes before updating as some releases may require different steps.


If no users exist in the database, SnowMail will create a default user with the username admin and password snowmail. It is recommended to change the password immediately after login.

The SnowMail dashboard allows you to easily create contact forms which can be added to websites with a few lines of code.


When creating your form, create a button with the type set to submit. Without this, users won't be able to submit the form unless you write additional code.

It is recommended to add your EMAIL_FROM address (configured during the installation process) to your contact list to reduce the chance of emails ending up in spam.

You'll need to install SnowMail from NPM (or use the CDN option):

npm install --save snowmail

The client-side (npm package) and server-side (Docker image/Java app) code are versioned independently.


Minimum React version: v18.2.0

SnowMail requires Mantine (v7.8.1+) to be installed.

npm install --save @mantine/core @mantine/form

Then, import the ContactForm component:

import ContactForm from 'snowmail/react/ContactForm.jsx';
<ContactForm url="" id="6627b0113f4c7e0d773abc2b" />

You can also pass props to the MantineProvider using the providerProps prop.

If you'd like to server render SnowMail, you can pass the form definition to the inputs prop. Use the getForm method exported by api.js to get the form definition. It is recommended to set the data-mantine-color-scheme attribute on the html element to either light or dark when using SSR to ensure styles are applied before hydration.


Already using Mantine? Use the MantineContactForm component instead.


Astro doesn't support React contexts which are required for Mantine to work. Additionally, React bundle sizes are quite large which can slow down website loading times. To address both of these issues, SnowMail offers an Astro component which uses a pre-built Preact bundle instead.

import ContactForm from 'snowmail/astro/ContactForm.astro';
<ContactForm url="" id="6627b0113f4c7e0d773abc2b" />

To enable SSR, just add the ssr prop. It is recommended to set the data-mantine-color-scheme attribute on the html element to either light or dark when using SSR to ensure styles are applied before hydration.


While it is possible to set the providerProps prop, the Astro component only supports properties that can be JSON serialized.

If you use PurgeCSS, add the following to your config to prevent Mantine classes from being removed:

  safelist: {
    greedy: [/^m_/, /mantine/]


It is possible to use SnowMail on websites that don't use React or Astro by importing the pre-built Preact bundle.


<div id="snowmail"></div>
<script type="module">
  import 'snowmail/dist/main/styles.css';
  import { render } from 'snowmail/dist/main/index.mjs';
    element: document.getElementById('snowmail'),
    url: '',
    id: '6627b0113f4c7e0d773abc2b',
    providerProps: {}


If you do not use a build process that supports importing from NPM, you can use SnowMail from a CDN instead.

<div id="snowmail"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module">
  import { render } from '';
    element: document.getElementById('snowmail'),
    url: '',
    id: '6627b0113f4c7e0d773abc2b',
    providerProps: {}

It is recommended to replace latest with a specific version number in production.


You can also use SnowMail just to manage forms server-side and write your own client-side code for rendering and styling the form.

import { getForm } from 'snowmail/api.js';
const url = '';
const id = '6627b0113f4c7e0d773abc2b';

const inputs = getForm(url, id);
// Write your own code to render the inputs

// Send the response to the server
fetch(`${url}/public-api/forms/${id}`, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Accept: 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    // If you have two inputs with the names "name" and "email"
    name: 'John Doe',
    email: ''
}).then(async (resp) => {
  if (resp.status === 200) {
    // Email sent
  } else {
    const body = await resp.json();
    // body.title contains the error message


You can create plugins to extend SnowMail in the following ways:

  • Add customized inputs (e.g. a captcha)
  • Validate forms with more advanced validation criteria than SnowMail supports
  • Send contact form submissions through a transactional email service provider (e.g. SendGrid) instead of SMTP
  • Send contact form submissions through a webhook
  • Run code whenever a form is saved (useful for triggering a website build)

Place plugin JARs in data/plugins and restart SnowMail.

For information on creating your own plugins, see

Official Plugins

A few official plugins are published alongside SnowMail.


Keep these plugin versions in sync with SnowMail to avoid issues.


This plugin adds a captcha widget and validation code for reCAPTCHA.

You will need to set the following metadata properties:

  • recaptcha-secret: Website secret
  • recaptcha-sitekey: Website sitekey

Then, add the reCAPTCHA input to the form. Leave the metadata placeholders as is, they'll be automatically replaced with the metadata values.


This plugin adds a captcha widget and validation code for SnowCaptcha.

You will need to set the following metadata properties:

Then, add the SnowCaptcha input to the form. Leave the metadata placeholders as is, they'll be automatically replaced with the metadata values.


This plugin sends a POST request to the URL of your choice. After installing the plugin, a config file will be created in data/plugins/Webhook. Modify the config file as needed and restart SnowMail.

The requests will have a JSON body:

  • submit event:
  "type": "submit",
  "values": {
    // "input-name" will be the name of the input
    "input-name": {
      "input": {
        // Input object
      // The value as a string
      "value": "Lorem ipsum"
  • save event:
  "type": "save",
  "form": {
    // Form object


SnowMail is MIT licensed software.


SnowMail is a contact form manager for modern websites which allows for central management of contact forms across multiple websites.




