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fleeting-aardvark edited this page May 5, 2023 · 1 revision

** Caution: These pages are a work in progress. This message will be removed when the wiki has been mostly completed. **


Welcome. This is the start of the documentation for the Oxygen Not Included mod configuration files.


  • Please DO NOT REPORT BUGS you encounter to Klei while mods are active. {They will likely tell you they cannot help you and you should contact the mod creator.}
  • BE AWARE that all of this mods are a WORK IN PROGRESS and may fail at some point. {Most common failure will be after an update or conflict with other mods.}
  • I am not responsible for broken saves or any other damage. You use these mods AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Offline Installation

  • Steps for an offline installation of these mods will go here.


Name / Steam Page Description Config File Documentaiton
Customize Buildings Change stuff about most buildings, like storage, duplicant operation and materials. [CustomizeBuilings.json]
Customize Plants Change stuff about plants, like irrigation and growth speed. [CustomizePlants.json]
Customize Geyser Change probability of geysers. Edit all properties of existing geysers or add new ones. [CustomizeGeyer.json]
Customize Recipe Change or add new recipes to buildings, like Rock Crusher or Metal Refinery. [CustomizeRecipe.json]
Customize Elements Change element properties. [CustomizeElements.json]
Care Package Manager Change content and mass of care packages. Change duplicant generation. [Care Package Manager.json]
Sweep Those Eggs Marks eggs over threshold for sweeping, young to old, for optimal food production. N/A
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