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Trunk-PlayerNG an Enterprise Grade Trunking API with ACLs, notifications, User management, a filterable API, Mertics, and more... WebUI not guaranteed™


Installing the API

git clone
cd Trunk-PlayerNG-Backend
cp .env.sample .env
docker-compose up
  1. Your API Base URL is https://<>/api/v1

S3 Support

An S3 compatable provider can be used to store the audio for Trunk-Player. S3 is provided by boto3 & django storages

Setting Description
USE_S3 Enable S3 for audio storage
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID This is your AWS Access Key
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY This is your AWS Secret Key
S3_BUCKET_NAME This is your S3 Bucketname
S3_ENDPOINT_URL This is your AWS S3 endpoint, For AWS check here for Wasibi check here

Connect to Trunk-Recorder

See the Trunk-Recoder Plugin

Planned Features 🎁 Please note some of these may change

  • [DOA] New REACT Web UI
  • [COMPLETE] Better Multi-System Support
  • [COMPLETE] Multiple site Recorder per System support
  • [COMPLETE] System / Incident Transmission Forwarding (Allowing you to share transmissions with a whole separate TrunkPlayer instance)
  • [COMPLETE] System ACLs
  • [COMPLETE] Talkgroup ACLs
  • [IN PROGRESS] Helm Chart For releasing to the Kubernetes (Allows for scaling for massive sites)
  • [COMPLETE] Better Security, ACLs and S3 Signing
  • [COMPLETE] All REST API based
  • [SCRUBBED**] Trunk-Recorder Status server Metrics Dashboard
  • [SCRUBBED**] File and TX Metrics Dashboard
  • [COMPLETE] User and Global Scan Lists
  • [COMPLETE] Sockets.IO for Better playback and fewer interruptions on playback
  • [COMPLETE] Talkgroup / Unit activity alert with Apprise
  • [DOA] Mobile app w/ push notifications
  • [COMPLETE] Audio Authentication/signing in s3
  • [COMPLETE] Historical Transmission API
  • [COMPLETE] Improved Incident System
  • [COMPLETE] Improved Global Notifications
  • [UNSTARTED] Pulse Point integration (UnOffical)
  • [NEEDS WORK] System email customization
  • [NEEDS WORK] Branding Support
  • [UNSTARTED] Add /metrics endpoint to offload to prometheus of opentelem **