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Need a flexible, scalable, and open-source microservice framework?

Applinate is the Truth Shield microservice toolset used on all our projects and products.

Applinate helps you build sustainable, scalable, and high-quality distributed microservices. Use Applinate to extend your current project or quickly build something new.

  • Build agile software. Everyone knows technology and business move at different rates. Applinate helps you isolate changes between things that change independently, so you can evolve them separately, which significantly extends the life of your code base.
  • Informed architecture. Applinate leverages decades of knowledge, experience, and best practices from seasoned software architects so you avoid unnecessary learning curves and mistakes which helps you avoid serious headaches down the road.
  • Boost your productivity. Out of the box, Applinate gives you tools for encryption, compression, distributed messaging (CQRS/PubSub), caching, logging, and more, so you don’t waste time reinventing the wheel.
  • Prevent lock-in. Applinate provides a plugin convention allowing you to easily provide alternative implementations for all tools, so you don’t get locked into any vendor or implementation.
  • Prevent leaky abstractions. Applinate helps you separate your implementation from your interfaces. All your implementations can be (and should be) internal (only accessed through the interface) so you prevent unnecessary coupling, which prevents your code base from deteriorating.

With Applinate, you build on top of scalable, flexible, and powerful microservice conventions designed to make your life easier. For example, testing, maintenance, and product evolution are easier when you use Applinate.

NOTE: we are still in beta stages of open-sourcing our toolset for you to use. So, you should expect changes soon as we add to this repository and get it ready for prime-time.

We provide our core framework for free to help you build microservice products faster and with less defects. Our aim is to help you establish a solid base for a maintainable, scalable, and high-quality microservice system.


  • Follow SOLID design principles from the ground-up to ensure your team is following industry-standard software architecture design principles.
  • Use a simple prescriptive and battle-tested service taxonomy (strongly influnced by the IDesign method) to leverage best-of-breed and battle-tested software architecture patterns.
  • Isolate your business and infrastructure code to drive down maintenance costs, future-proof your solutions, and increse your teams' productivity.
  • Build highly testable services as reusable building-blocks so you can make sure your systems stay stable over years of continuous changes.
  • Isolate your concrete implementations so they avoid leaky dependencies and stay loosly coupled over time to help prevent system degradation.
  • Prevent vendor lock-in with appropriate interfaces/abstractions so you keep up with the latest tecnologies and stay competitive.
  • Use the CQRS pattern (or not... it's up to you) with an event-driven architecture so your system can scale.
  • have an amazing local development experience for microservices so your engineers get all the benefits of a monolith during development while easily configuring your services to run as isolated microservices run-time.

We hope this repository helps you realize your vision faster with the same sustainable, scalable, and maintainable microservice architecture we use on our projects.

For more details about Applinate, click here to take a look at our wiki.

Need assistance?

Want help with your current systems, to build your next project, or using this framework?

Click here today to get in touch.

We're here for you: Use our tools. And we're standing by to help you at any point along the way. Or, if you prefer, we can design and build it for you.

About Truth Shield

Truth Shield: providing tools and support to boost your product development.

A Message From Matt


Thanks for taking a look at our toolset.

If you are reading this, I'm sure you know how stressful it is to execute software projects today.

Even with today’s modern processes, less than one in ten projects succeed. Scope creeps, projects derail, and quality issues from poor design decision slow progress and blow budgets.

I get it. I’ve been a software team lead for over 25 years and had my share of challenges with the most common problems in software production.

Here’s the thing: I know we can do better.

That's why I created TruthShield to help executives, founders, and anyone in charge of teams producing software avoid nasty surprises during a project, address the worst defects at their source before they become problems, and increase your teams’ productivity by optimizing pre-development activities to increase project success rates, decrease development time, cost, and risk, and see more success with less stress.

I’d love to help with any aspects of your software product development. I have tools, processes, and techniques I'm sure you'll find useful. And we can help you do it yourself, do it with you, or if you want to save time and money we can do it for you.

Whether you want to boost your teams productivity or need any help bringing your vision to life, reach out today. I'm here for you.

I look forward to connecting and hearing where I can help.

Warm Regards,

Matt Cochran

Matt Cochran, CTO/CXO & Founder, TruthShield


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