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Edit Supported Items

Tschipcraft edited this page May 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

This data pack supports editing light levels and water sensitivity for any item in the game.

Light Level

To edit the light level of an item, unzip the data pack and locate to /data/dynamiclights/tags/items/light_level/. Here you will find the files 3.json, 6.json, 9.json, 12.json and 15.json, each corresponding to the desired light level.

Simply add the item id to the correct file. Make sure that the item is only mentioned once in any of the files and that the file is correctly formatted to match the JSON specifications.

Take a look at the files here on GitHub.

Rezip the data pack if needed.

Water Sensitivity

To edit the water sensitivity of an item, unzip the data pack and locate to /data/dynamiclights/tags/items/water_sensitive/. Here you will find the files turn_off.json and turn_on.json. Items specified in turn_off.json will turn off inside water, and items in turn_on.json will turn on inside water.

Please make sure that the specified item also has an assigned light level mentioned above and that the edited file is correctly formatted to match the JSON specifications.

Take a look at the files here on GitHub.

Rezip the data pack if needed.

If you have any questions, need help or want to suggest changes, feel free to open an issue here on GitHub.

Support for the mod version of this data pack will come soon