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Tswaanda Marketplace


Tswaanda Marketplace is a decentralised & global agricultural marketplace that connects farmers with global trade and financing. Tswaanda Marketplace is a revolutionary platform that empowers smallholder farmers in Africa by providing direct access to global markets. Leveraging blockchain technology, we facilitate secure and transparent transactions, ensuring trust and efficiency in agricultural trade.


Download & Installation

Step 1: Download the repo or clone it using your terminal.

git clone

Step 2: Change the directory into the marketplace repo

cd marketplace

Step 3: Run the npm install command to install libraries and packages.

npm install

Step 4: Start DFX locally by running the following command

dfx start --clean --background

Step 5: Deploy the canister by running the following command

dfx deploy

Step 6: Run the front-end

npm start


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


If you have any challenges you can create or ask questions in the Issues tab. We are constantly updating the software and always check for updates if anything breaks at any point.
