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Setting up Tufts Election development environment:

This is a short guide to setting up New Nation Votes locally on your development machine.

Set up Mira

NNV depends on Mira already existing on your computer because of shared assets. Go to and follow the steps to set up Mira.

Get Code:

Clone the code locally. Decide what folder you want the code to be in and run this at that level.

git clone

Run preinit script


Build the Docker Container

docker-compose build

Bring up the Docker Container

docker-compose up server

Check it out

Go to http://localhost:4050 to see that NNV is working locally.

Importing Fixtures

NNV ships with some fixtures that can be used for dev and test

These can be imported running the following commands

docker exec -it tufts-election-server-1 /bin/bash
root@52c99bb737c4:/data# rake tufts:index_fixtures
root@52c99bb737c4:/data# script/import_candidates

Running the specs

Bring up the Docker Container

docker-compose up test

import fixtures and run tests

root@52c99bb737c4:/data# rake tufts:index_fixtures
root@52c99bb737c4:/data# rspec

Importing Office, Party, State authorities

There is an initializer script that will load the office, state and party authorities every time the server is restarted. The initializer expects to find the authority files in the tmp directory under the rails root when the server starts. If you ran the pre-init script in your development enviroment these files have been put in place by that.

If you want to force it to re-load the party and office names, you can remove the temp file that the data is downloaded to:

    rm tmp/offices.xml
    rm tmp/party-authority.xml
    rm tmp/state-authority.xml

Importing Candidate authorities

Candidate authorties are imported via a shell script, the script is located at: script/import_candidates.

Run that script if you need the candidate authorities. The script expects to find the candidates authority file in the tmp directory under the rails root. If you ran the pre-init script in your development enviroment this file has been put in place by that script.

Setting up Tufts Election search in production and stage:

solrize objects

INDEX_LIST=pids.csv RAILS_ENV=production rake solrizer:fedora:solrize_objects

What should be in the pids.csv?

Tufts' production fedora environment contains other objects besides what should be displayed in the New Nation Votes site. The pids.csv should contain a list of all the PIDs that you want to index in solr for this front end.

Adding objects in dockerized dev environment

Objects can be added to MIRA using the VotingRecord content model the displays_in set to: elections


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