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Added the old but accurate dependency graph to the repository.
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Tuplanolla committed Nov 14, 2014
1 parent 780fb58 commit f5d9ff2
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 0 deletions.
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
digraph dependencies {
layout = neato
overlap = false

node [shape = oval]

example [label = "example.c"]

node [shape = diamond]

cheat [label = "cheat.h"]

example -> cheat

node [shape = rectangle]

ctype [label = "ctype.h"]
errno [label = "errno.h"]
limits [label = "limits.h"]
setjmp [label = "setjmp.h"]
signal [label = "signal.h"]
stdarg [label = "stdarg.h"]
stddef [label = "stddef.h"]
stdio [label = "stdio.h"]
stdlib [label = "stdlib.h"]
string [label = "string.h"]

cheat -> errno
cheat -> ctype
cheat -> limits
cheat -> setjmp
cheat -> signal
cheat -> stdarg
cheat -> stddef
cheat -> stdio
cheat -> stdlib
cheat -> string
example -> stddef
example -> stdio
example -> string

node [style = dashed]
edge [style = dashed]

node [shape = oval]

examples [label = "examples.c"]

node [shape = diamond]

cheats [label = "cheats.h"]

examples -> cheat
examples -> cheats

node [shape = rectangle]

complex [label = "complex.h"]
inttypes [label = "inttypes.h"]
math [label = "math.h"]
stdbool [label = "stdbool.h"]
stdint [label = "stdint.h"]

cheat -> stdbool
cheat -> stdint
cheats -> complex
cheats -> inttypes
cheats -> math
cheats -> stdint
cheats -> string
examples -> stddef
examples -> string

node [style = dotted]
edge [style = dotted]

types [label = "sys/types.h"]
wait [label = "sys/wait.h"]
select [label = "sys/select.h"]
time [label = "sys/time.h"]
unistd [label = "unistd.h"]
windows [label = "windows.h"]

cheat -> types
cheat -> wait
cheat -> select
cheat -> time
cheat -> unistd
cheat -> windows

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