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segelflug-classifieds Kleinanzeigen Telegram Bot

This project implements a basic Telegram bot that regularly polls the Kleinanzeigen page for new items and sends them to a public Telegram channel. The bot is intended to run on a Raspberry Pi, so ARM cross-compilation compatibility is a requirement for any changes.


$ segelflug-classifieds --help 

    segelflug-classifieds [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -w, --watch      Run continuously and poll the server in random intervals

        --max-time <max-time>
            Maximum time to wait between server requests (in minutes) [default: 30]

        --min-time <min-time>
            Minimum time to wait between server requests (in minutes) [default: 10]

        --telegram-chat-id <telegram-chat-id>
            Telegram chat ID [env: TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID] [default: @segelflug_classifieds]

        --telegram-token <telegram-token>        
            Telegram bot token [env: TELEGRAM_TOKEN]

If no Telegram token is provided the application will only output the new items on the console, if a token is provided they will also be sent to the configurable Telegram channel.

In addition to these options a SENTRY_DSN environment variable can also be set to enable error reporting on


As mentioned above, the intended deployment target is a Raspberry Pi. A shell script is included in this repository to simplify the deployment process. This script needs to be configured by setting the TARGET_HOST and TARGET_PATH environment variables.

An example systemd service file is also provided in the systemd folder of this repository.


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