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Cookie Cakes edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the HalpWiki!

Wiki Information

In here is a set of tutorials and guides for the features of HalpLibe, and BTA! modding as a whole!

Check the sidebar to the right for versions and guides.

What will I need before I get started?

We recommend that you have:

  1. Some basic knowledge of coding and/or Java
  1. IntelliJ Community Edition with the Minecraft Development plugin
  • Please note that despite the first download link of IntelliJ being paid, if you scroll down there's a free version!
  1. And finally, Java 17 JDK
  • We recommend Adoptium, but Linux users please note to NOT USE the flatpak version!

With that you should be set to make your very own BTA! mod!

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