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Git Log Issue Finder (GLIF)

This small program is used to extract a list of Jira issues from the output of a git log. This require an already checked-out repository.

Version: 2.0.2


  1. Usage
  2. Pipeline Configuration
  3. Task Configuration
  4. Contact

While this program was designed with the idea of integrating it to a Concourse pipeline it can also be used a stand-alone command-line tool.

Let's start by looking at the '--help' command:

$> glif --help
        Force a 'git fetch' operation on the specified repository
        Enter the Read-Eval-Print-Loop
  -script string
        The glif script file to execute
  -tickets string
        The Jira tickets regex used to search the repo's log (default "*")


While the help command does not specify it, it's useful to note that every parameter can specified with one or two hyphen.

The 'script' parameter

This parameter is simple in itself as it's only a path to the script to be interpreted by glif. You can read the documentation of the glif scripts here glif doc and you can see examples here examples. In the examples you will also find more details about semver-latest, semver-latest-builds and semver-latest-rcs.

The 'tickets' parameter

The tickets parameter can be specified in the command line or it can be specified within the glif script. It represents the name of the Jira issues to match.

The following example assumes that you are working within the directory of your git repository. The most basic usage requires two (2) parameters; here's an example with the output:

$> glif --tickets="ABC,XYZ" --semver-latest
[ABC-001, ABC-007, XYZ-9246, ABC-045, ABC-0245, XYZ-007]

Now, here's an example of a Concourse job that uses git-log-issue-finder

  - name: find-jira /* You can use whatever name you like */
    serial: true
    public: false
      - in_parallel:
          /* Add 'passed' and/or 'trigger' configuration if needed */
      - task: git-log-issue-finder

To properly configure git-log-issue-finder, it should be done as a task and not directly as a pipeline resource.

Here's what the task's yaml file should look like



And now here's what the shell script should look like:


set -e


If you have any questions/comments please send them at:

You may also submit pull-requests on github at: to the branch 'master'.