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Releases: TurtleEngr/gdrive-rename-files


19 Mar 21:36
Choose a tag to compare

See for details about this version.


19 Mar 03:08
Choose a tag to compare

This fixes issue #5. Setting List Folders to "no" now works.


17 Mar 07:27
Choose a tag to compare

This version is stable and probably usable by others.
To run unit tests, you'll neet gsunit-test-v1.25


25 Feb 07:51
Choose a tag to compare

This is ready for others to use.
TBD: add documentation for how to set this up.
Here are some rough directions:

  • Upload Rename_Files_User_Guide.docx to your gdrive (google drive).
  • Upload gdrive-util-scripts.xlsx to your gdrive.
  • In SS gdrive-util-scripts select menu Tools -> script editor
  • Add a file, name it rename-files, then copy the contents of rename-files.js to that file.
  • Reload the spreadsheet. You should see Rename-Files menu added after the Help menu.
  • Read the Rename_Files_User_Guide for how to use this script.

If you want to run unit tests.

  • Add file gsunit.js, from repo gsunit-tests, to the script editor (put it after
  • Add file test-rename-files.js, from this repo, to the script editor (put it after
  • Reload the spreadsheet. You should now see submenus Test Replace and Test GSUnit
  • Select one of the first tests to see if all the pieces are in place.
  • If there are no internal errors, then you can try RunAll Tests (Note: GSUnit -> Test All returns expected errors and failures to test the UI)