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This repository is no longer supported or updated. It has been migrated as part of a BoM here: kmp-firebase.


kmp-firebase is a Kotlin Multiplatform library which wraps GitLiveApp Firebase SDK and provides a more straightforward implementation.

💾 Installation

Add the dependency in the sourceSet of your module:


The latest version is:

⚙️ Usage


Create an instance of FirebaseAuthDataSource to perform authentication methods on the device's user:

val firebaseAuthDataSource = FirebaseAuthDataSource(firebaseAuthService = FirebaseAuthService())

// Check if a user is currently logged in
val isUserLoggedIn = firebaseAuthDataSource.isUserLoggedIn()

// Get a FirebaseUser representing the currently logged in user, if any. Returns null otherwise
val currentUser = firebaseAuthDataSource.getCurrentUser()

// Sign in a user, asynchronously, by providing a valid Google ID Token (returned by Google SSO or Google Sign-In)
firebaseAuthDataSource.authenticateWithGoogleIdToken(idToken = "...") // Pass here a Google ID Token

// Sign out the current user, asynchronously, from the device

Create an instance of FirestoreService to manage your Firestore collections. All documents models must extend com.tweener.firebase.firestore.model.FirestoreModel.

val firestoreService: FirestoreService()

// Retrieve all document models from a collection. Example with FirestoreUserModel which extends FirestoreModel
val users: List<FirestoreUserModel> = firestoreService.getAll<FirestoreUserModel>(collection = "my_firestore_users_collection")

// Retrieve a single document model from its id
val user: FirestoreUserModel = firestoreService.get<FirestoreUserModel>(collection = "my_firestore_users_collection", id = "user1234")

// Create a new document model in a collection by specifying its ID
    collection = "my_firestore_users_collection",
    id = "user12345",
    data = hashMapOf(
        "username" to "John",
        "age" to 28,

// Add a new document model in a collection and let Firebase generate a random ID
    collection = "my_firestore_users_collection",
    data = hashMapOf(
        "username" to "John",
        "age" to 28,

// Update an existing document model in a collection
    collection = "my_firestore_users_collection",
    id = "user1234",
    data = hashMapOf(
        "username" to "John Doe",
        "age" to 29,

// Delete an existing document model from a collection
    collection = "my_firestore_users_collection",
    id = "user1234",

Create an instance of FirebaseFunctionsService to call a Cloud Function and specify its request and response types:

val firebaseFunctionsService: FirebaseFunctionsService()

// For a Firebase Cloud Function named "splitUserName", which splits a user's fullname into its firstname and lastname, you can call the function and get the response like this:
class FirebaseFunctionsSplitNameResponse(
    val firstname: String,
    val lastname: String,

val response: FirebaseFunctionsSplitNameResponse = firebaseFunctionsService.callFunction<String, FirebaseFunctionsSplitNameResponse>(functionName = "splitUserName", data = "John Doe")
assertTrue(response.firstname, "John")
assertTrue(response.lastname, "Doe")
Remote Config

Create an instance of RemoteConfigDataSource to retrieve properties set in Firebase Remote Config. A RemoteConfigService(isDebug: Boolean) is required to initialize a RemoteConfigDataSource. When isDebug property is false, the library will fetch Remote Config properties every hour. When isDebug property is true, we force the fetch of properties every 10 seconds.

val remoteConfigService = RemoteConfigService(isDebug = BuildConfig.DEBUG)
val remoteConfigDataSource = RemoteConfigDataSource(firebaseRemoteConfigService = remoteConfigService)

// Retrieve the value of a Boolean property
val isPaywallEnabled: Boolean = remoteConfigDataSource.getBoolean(key = "isPaywallEnabled", defaultValue = true)

// Retrieve the value of a String property
val defaultUsername: String = remoteConfigDataSource.getString(key = "defaultUsername", defaultValue = "John Doe")

// Retrieve the value of a Long property
val defaultRequestTimeoutInSeconds: Long = remoteConfigDataSource.getLong(key = "defaultRequestTimeoutInSeconds", defaultValue = 30L)

Create an instance of CrashlyticsService to access Firebase Crashlytics.

val crashlyticsService = CrashlyticsService()
val firebaseCrashlytics: FirebaseCrashlytics = crashlyticsService.getCrashlytics()


A Kotlin Multiplatform library which wraps GitLiveApp Firebase SDK to provide a more straightforward implementation.






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