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React Native, Commercetools, and Contentful demo

📦 Stack

This demo project uses:

🧑‍💻 Development setup

This project runs on Node 16.15.0. We recommend using NVM to easily switch Node versions.



Running in local:

# Run for web
yarn web

Copy .env.example as .env and update the values using your credentials from TwicPics, Commercetools, and Contentful.

Complete the steps in the “Configuration & Data seeding” section to get the environment values needed to make the run the app in local.

⚙️ Configuration & Data seeding

To make this demo work, go through the following steps. You will need to go through some configuration.


This project uses Commercetools' SUNRISE sample data. Follow the tutorial to seed the data.

You'll get all the CTP_* env variables when creating an API client. Credentials will only be shown once.


Create a blogPost content type that has the following fields: title (text), coverImage (image), and excerpt (text). Then, create some blog posts.

Create content delivery token to get the CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN. Your CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID can be found in the back-office URL.


  • Create a path mapping your Commercetools images storage, eg.
  • Create a path mapping your Contentful images storage, eg.<spaceID>/

In the code, you can see how URLs retrieved from both APIs are mapped to TwicPics CDN here: for Commercetools and for Contentful.


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