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=== TwoBeers Quickbar ===
Contributors: ilmaren, mrjimo
Donate link: still don't have one
Tags: navigation, comments, sidebar, widget
Version: 0.21
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.2.1
Stable tag: stable-3

Quick access to blog contents and fast navigation for WordPress

== Description ==
Quick-menus has always been a distinctive characteristic of TwoBeers’s themes, since the first, unknown, The Black City.
Quickbar plugin was developed to give people a rapid access tool to their blog contents, without using a TwoBeers theme.
The plugin is somehow different from the theme’s quickbar as all the fix elements (last posts, comments and categories), were removed and replaced by a widget “box”. This will give blog’s admin the possibility to put what they want in constant evidence without “forcing” the user to scroll the page.

TwoBeers Quickbar is a plugin for WordPress

by TB Crew

This plugin is released under GNU General Public License, version 2

== Requirements ==

* WordPress 3.0
* PHP 5.2

== Installation ==

* Upload the folder into your WP plugin directory
* Rename it as "tb-quickbar" (you can also leave it as it comes)
* Go to your plugin management page and activate it
* Manage options under Plugins -> TwoBeers Quickbar

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How can I change the Quickbar content? =

There are two ways to personalize your quickbar:
* Activating/Deactivating built in contents through the quickbar options (Dashboard -> Plugins -> TwoBeers Quickbar)
* Adding widgets

= Quickbar colors doesn't fit my blog graphics, should I have to manually chance css? =

No you don't! For a simple color scheme change, just go to plugin settings page (Dashboard -> Plugins -> TwoBeers Quickbar), there you can set quickbar main colors.

== Screenshots ==

1. screenshot-1.png - Your blog main page will looks like this
2. screenshot-2.png - Settings page

== Changelog ==

= 0.2 =
* first public release