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ChronoGraph is a TinkerPop Graph Database with support for content versioning.

Getting Started

Including ChronoGraph in your project


If you want file-based persistence provided by JetBrains Exodus, you'll also need:


Please make sure to always use the latest version.

Creating a new ChronoGraph instance

There are several options for creating a new ChronoGraph instance. The easiest one is using the builder syntax:

ChronoGraph graph = ChronoGraph.FACTORY.create()

IMPORTANT: ChronoGraph instances need to be closed explicitly by calling graph.close()!

You can optionally configure the graph with the builder like this:

ChronoGraph graph = ChronoGraph.FACTORY.create()
    // call graph configuration methods here...
    // ... and "build" when you're done

You can also load a graph based on a java.util.Properties object (or a *.properties file):

ChronoGraph graph = ChronoGraph.FACTORY.create()

This method works only if the Properties object (or file) contains both the ChronoDB configuration as well as the ChronoGraph configuration. Configuration options can be found in and, respectively.

If you wish to configure ChronoDB via the ChronoGraph builder, you can pass in a configuration lambda like so:

ChronoGraph graph = ChronoGraph.FACTORY.create()
    // specify the backend and where your data is located
    .exodusGraph("path/to/graph/directory", dbConfig -> {
        // configure ChronoDB here
        return dbConfig.withDuplicateElimination(true)
    // use builder methods to further configure the graph

General Usage

After creating a ChronoGraph instance, you can add data to it or read data from it, like so:

// in-memory-graphs are great for unit testing!
ChronoGraph graph = ChronoGraph.FACTORY.create().inMemoryGraph().build();

// usually you would want to create some indices here...
ChronoGraphIndexManager indexManager = graph.getIndexManager();

// create a transaction
try(ChronoGraph txGraph = graph.tx().createThreadedTx()){
    // you can set properties directly when adding a vertex...
    Vertex johnDoe = txGraph.addVertex(
                      , "id-john", // otpional, a UUID is assigned by default
                                "type", "Person",
                                "firstName", "John",
                                "lastName", "Doe"
    // ... or you can set them afterwards, one by one
    Vertex janeDoe = txGraph.addVertex();"type", "Person");"firstName", "Jane");"lastName", "Doe");

    // you can add edges like this
    johnDoe.addEdge("marriedTo", janeDoe, "since", 2020);

    // transactions have auto-rollback on close by default. If you want to keep your
    // changes, you need to call ".tx().commit()". The commit message is optional.
    txGraph.tx().commit("Added John and Jane Doe");

To query your graph, open a new transaction (threaded transactions are recommended) and run your standard gremlin queries on it:

// run a query on the current state
try(ChronoGraph txGraph = graph.tx().createThreadedTx()){
    // some example queries (standard gremlin)
    List<Vertex> justJohn = txGraph.traversal()
                                .has("firstName", "John")

    List<Vertex> johnsWife = txGraph.traversal()
                                .has("firstName", "John")
                                .has("lastName", "Doe")

    List<Vertex> theDoes = txGraph.traversal()
                                .has("lastName", CP.eqIgnoreCase("dOE"))

    // if you know the ID of a vertex, you can easily retrieve it like so:
    Vertex john = txGraph.vertex("id-john");

TinkerPop Compatibility

TinkerPop Feature ChronoGraph Support Comment
Vertices Yes Full read-write-create-delete support
Edges Yes Full read-write-create-delete support
User-Defined IDs Yes Only strings are allowed. By default, UUIDs are used.
Properties Yes Custom types are supported (via Kryo), but sticking to Java primitives (and Strings) is highly recommended.
Multi-Valued Properties Custom ChronoGraph implements multi-valued properties slightly differently than the TinkerPop standard. See the dedicated section below.
Meta-Properties Yes No secondary indexing support.
Secondary Indexing Yes For String, Long, Double, and Arrays as well as Lists and Sets of those types.
Gremlin Query Language Yes Automatically uses secondary indices, where applicable.
Transaction Support Yes Full ACID support
Threaded Transactions Yes Full ACID support
Graph Computer (OLAP) No OLAP has a lot more value in distributed graph databases, which ChronoGraph is not. Use regular gremlin for your analytics instead.
Persistence Yes Persistence is versioned, allowing for historical queries.
Concurrent Access Yes Only one commit per millisecond, parallel commits are deferred. Full support for parallel read/write.
Graph I/O Read Yes
Graph I/O Write Yes
Graph Variables Yes Multiple variable keyspaces are supported for easier grouping and organization of variables.
Distribution No ChronoGraph is currently running only on a single server and scales vertically.

Secondary Indices

ChronoGraph supports secondary indexing for Vertex and Edge properties. The supported types are:

  • String
  • double (and, by extension, also float)
  • long (and, by extension, also byte, short, int)
  • Lists of String, double and long
  • Sets of String, double and long
  • Arrays of String, double and long

All management operations concerning secondary indices are accessible from the ChronoGraphIndexManager:

ChronoGraphIndexManager indexManager = graph.getIndexManager()

// create a new index using the builder syntax (don't forget "build()" at the end!)
// after manipulating indices, don't forget to call "reindexAll()" to rebuild the indices!

// list all vertex indicies
Set<ChronoGraphIndex> vertexIndices = indexManager.getIndexedVertexProperties();

// check if a certain property is indexed
boolean isNameIndexed = indexManager.isVertexPropertyIndexed("name");

// get a certain index
ChronoGraphIndex nameIndex = indexManager.getVertexIndex("name");

// drop an index

Queries will make use of secondary indices automatically when possible. To ensure index usage:

  • Make sure you actually have a secondary index on your property (watch out for typos in the property name).
  • Make sure your secondary indices are clean (indexManager.reindexAll()).
  • Make sure your gremlin starts with a .has(...) step on one or more indexed properties.

WARNING: Manipulations on secondary indices are management operations. This means that:

  • Index management operations are not transactional in any way.
  • Removing an index which somebody else is currently querying may cause the query to fail unexpectedly.
  • Concurrent modifications on secondary indices are not permitted.
  • Take care not to terminate the program while a management operation is running.

We strongly recommend to perform secondary index manipulations once at the startup of your application, before the first user request is accepted. Afterwards, we strongly discourage index management operations.

Historical Queries

The easiest way to query "the past" in ChronoGraph is by opening a transaction on the point in time in the past. This works in exactly the same way as in standard TinkerPop, except that you pass in the desired timestamp as an additional argument:

long yesterday = System.currentTimeMills() - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);
try(ChronoGraph txGraph = graph.tx().createThreadedTx(yesterday)){ // note the "yesterday" argument!
    // txGraph will contain the database state as it was yesterday
    Vertex johnDoe = txGraph.traversal().V().has("name", "John Doe").next();
    // johnDoe will also have the same state as it did yesterday

If you are not interested in any particular point in time but would rather iterate e.g. over the history of an element, you can use:

Vertex v = ...;
// iterator will contain the timestamps at which the Vertex has changed
Iterator<Long> iterator = graph.getVertexHistory(v);
// now we can iterate over them and check the vertex at each point in time
iterator.forEachRemaining(timestamp -> {
    try(ChronoGraph txGraph = graph.tx().createThreadedTx(timestamp)){
        Vertex pastVertex = txGraph.vertex(;

As such tasks are very common when working with ChronoGraph, there is also the GraphIterators utility:

     .visitCoordinates(state -> {
         ChronoGraph txGraph = state.getTransactionGraph();
         // inspect contents of txGraph

Branch Management

Aside from history management, ChronoGraph also offers branches (as known from version control tools such as Git or SVN).

  • A branch is an alternative scenario ("child branch"), created from a particular point in time ("branching timestamp") on a particular branch ("parent branch")
  • Every change which occurs after the branching timestamp on the parent branch will not be visible on the child.
  • Any change on the child will not be visible on the parent.
  • Branchs support arbitrarily deep nesting, but expect a performance impact when nesting them too deeply.
  • There is one special branch, which is master. This branch always exists and has no parent.
  • Branch names must be globally unique among all branches.

Any ChronoGraph transaction can be directed towards a particular branch by passing the branch name into the transaction construction method, like so:

try(ChronoGraph txGraph = graph.tx().createThreadedTx("my-branch")){
    // txGraph now points to branch "my-branch". This will only work if "my-branch" exists.

To create and manage branches, please use the ChronoGraphBranchManager:

ChronoGraphBranchManager branchManager = graph.getBranchManager();

// create a branch "my-new-branch" as child of "master" at "branchingTimestamp"
long branchingTimestamp = ...;
GraphBranch myNewBranch = branchManager.createBranch("master", "my-new-branch", branchingTimestamp);
// - if no branching timestamp is given, the current state of the parent will be used implicitly.
// - if no parent branch is given, "master" will be used implicitly.

Creating new branches is safe to do during regular database operation.

While it is generally not recommended to do so, branches can also be deleted again. This operation is permanent and cannot be recovered e.g. by history queries. The data will be gone on disk. This can be achieved with:

ChronoGraphBranchManager branchManager = graph.getBranchManager();
// delete a branch and ALL of its direct and indirect child branches

WARNING: This is a management opertion.

  • deleteBranchRecursively is not safe for concurrent access.
  • Deleting branches which still have open transactions on them will cause the transactions to fail randomly.
  • If the JVM process terminates while the operation is ongoing, some child branches may have been deleted while others may still exist.
  • The results of this operation are always permanent and cannot be undone.

Multi-Valued Property Handling

In this section, we discuss how ChronoGraph handles multi-valued properties, and how it is different from the TinkerPop standard.

Multi-Valued Properties in Gremlin

In standard Gremlin, you need to define multi-valued properties one-by-one, like so:

Vertex v = ..., "colours", "red");, "colours", "green");, "colours", "blue");

... and then query them in Gremlin like so (this will match if any of the colours on a vertex is red):

g.traversal().V().has("colours", "red").toList()

Note that gremlin treats the values like a List, even though they are not a List. Also, the syntax for adding new values is rather cumbersome.

Instead of following the Gremlin standard here, we opted for a different approach.

Multi-Valued Properties in ChronoGraph

ChronoGraph will treat Arrays, Lists and Sets in a special way. This makes it much easier to define multi-valued properties (with a little help from Guava):

Vertex v = ..."colours", Lists.newArrayList("red", "green", "blue"))

Important: It is bad practice to pass immutable or unmodifiable collections as property values, as you may run into issues when loading them back from the hard drive (deserialization). If you pass in instances of List or Set, make sure they are actually java.util.ArrayList or java.util.HashSet, respectively.

The query is exactly the same as in standard Gremlin:

g.traversal().V().has("colours", "red").toList()

This query will match the property containing the list red, green, blue. ChronoGraph employs "any of" semantics on all of its predicates.

Search Predicates

ChronoGraph supports all of the predicates defined by Gremlin. In the table below:

  • P refers to the class org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.P. P is the shorthand for "Predicate". This class contains all standard gremlin predicates.
  • TextP refers to the class org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal. It contains the text matching predicates.
  • CP refers to the class org.chronos.chronograph.api.builder.query. CP is the shorthand for "Chronos Predicate". This class contains all standard gremlin predicates, and in addition all other predicates which are supported by ChronoGraph.

Tip: In ChronoGraph, whenever you would write P.xy or TextP.xy, simply use CP.xy instead. You'll get all default Gremlin predicates, as well as the custom predicates implemented by ChronoGraph.

Tip: Even though using CP is preferred, all regular P predicates will work as intended.

Tip: If you need a very special matching, you can always use .filter(lambda) in your Gremlin. However, this method should not be your go-to solution, because it will be much slower than the standard predicates due to the lack of indexing support. Use it as a last resort.

ChronoGraph Predicate Gremlin Equivalent Case Sensitive? Comment
CP.eq P.eq Yes Equality (with respect to .equals(Object))
CP.neq P.neq Yes Inequality Greater Than
CP.geq P.geq Greater Than or Equal To Less Than
CP.leq P.leq Less Than or Equal To
CP.within P.within Yes Checks if the value is in the given list
CP.without P.without Yes Checks if the value is not in the given list
CP.inside P.inside Checks if the value is in the given range (exclusive)
CP.outside P.outside Checks if the vlaue is not inside the given range (exclusive)
CP.between P.between Checks if the value is in the given range (inclusive)
CP.startsWith TextP.startingWith Yes Checks if the string starts with the given one
CP.notStartsWith TextP.notStartingWith Yes Checks if the string does not start with the given one
CP.endsWith TextP.endingWith Yes Checks if the string ends with the given one
CP.notEndsWith TextP.notEndingWith Yes Checks if the string does not end with the given one
CP.contains TextP.containing Yes Checks if the string contains the given one
CP.notContains TextP.notContaining Yes Checks if the string does not contain the given one
CP.eqIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive string equality
CP.neqIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive string inequality
CP.startsWithIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive prefix check
CP.notStartsWithIngoreCase - No Case-insensitive negated prefix check
CP.endsWithIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive suffix check
CP.notEndsWithIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive negated suffix check
CP.containsIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive string containment check
CP.notContainsIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive negated string containment check
CP.withinIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive list containment check
CP.withoutIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive negated list containment check
CP.eq(double, double) - Numeric equality check with equality tolerance
CP.neq(double, double) - Numeric inequality check with equality tolerance
CP.within(list, double) - Numeric list containment check with equality tolerance
CP.without(list, double) - Negated numeric list containment check with equality tolerance
CP.matchesRegex - Yes Regular expression matching
CP.matchesRegexIgnoreCase - No Case-insensitive regular expression matching
CP.notMatchesRegex - Yes Negated regular expression matching
CP.notMatchesRegexIgnoreCase - No Negated case-insensitive regular expression matching

Known Limitations

  • Since a commit is uniquely identified by its timestamp and Java timestamps are measured in milliseconds, only one commit is possible per millisecond. If multiple commits attempt to commit during the same millisecond, all except for one will be delayed by 1ms to make sure that there is no more than one commmit per millisecond.

  • ChronoGraph has been tested extensively and is known to work well with graphs in the following magnitude:

    • Vertices: 0 ~ 500.000
    • Edges: 0 ~ 1.000.000
    • Concurrent users: 0 ~ 200
    • Properties (per element): 0 ~ 50
    • Adjacent Edges per Vertex: 0 ~ 1000
    • Versions: 0 ~ 200.000

    If your configuration substantially exceeds those known territories, you may encounter various issues. If that is the case, please file a bug.

  • Some backends may have hard limits on how big an individual entry can be. For example, the standard Exodus backend has a limit of 8MB per entry. This means that the vertex record in its entirety must be less than 8MB. Properties, meta-properties and adjacent edges all contribute to the size of a vertex record. In our tests, we've found that a vertex can at most have about ~ 100.000 adjacent edges before hitting the size limit of an Exodus entry. This is of course also influenced by the length of your IDs and the other aforementioned pieces of information that count towards the vertex record size. By the same argument, you cannot store a text blob of 1GB in a ChronoGraph vertex.

  • ChronoGraph is not suited for time-series data which changes very rapidly. For example, if you have a monitoring tool which reports the CPU usage of your server once every 10ms, storing this data in ChronoGraph is not a good idea as we currently have no way of compacting such data to make this use case feasible. While ChronoGraph does provide reliable versioning, it is best-suited for data which is edited manually and primarily needs to be queried.

  • Be aware that, due to the versioned nature of ChronoGraph, your on-disk footprint of the database will always be substantially larger than a single revision of your data, as all history is retained, persisted and managed.