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adding multiple keys logic in analytics cache purger for slave gatewa…
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## Description
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Extends #3483
Modified the logic for rpc_analytics_purger so it can read from keys from multiple keys. It's coded in full backward-compatible mode, which means that it's going to look for `tyk-system-analytics` key and then for `tyk-system-analytics_X `where X goes from 0 to 9.

After reading, it will send the analytics records to sink through RPC. If tyk-sink has enable_multiple_analytics_keys = true, it will write the records in multiple keys and if it's false, it will write them in only one key.

## Related Issue
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## Motivation and Context
<!-- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? -->
Reduce Redis overload and have a better analytics distribution across the cluster for slave gateways.

## How This Has Been Tested
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- [] My change requires a change to the documentation.
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(cherry picked from commit d0cf603)
  • Loading branch information
tbuchaillot authored and Tyk Bot committed Mar 11, 2021
1 parent 6333b8a commit e0e4f2e
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 23 deletions.
57 changes: 34 additions & 23 deletions rpc/rpc_analytics_purger.go
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package rpc
import (

msgpack ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ type GeoData struct {
} `maxminddb:"location"`

const analyticsKeyName = "tyk-system-analytics"
const ANALYTICS_KEYNAME = "tyk-system-analytics"

// RPCPurger will purge analytics data into a Mongo database, requires that the Mongo DB string is specified
// in the Config object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,31 +112,41 @@ func (r *Purger) PurgeCache() {

analyticsValues := r.Store.GetAndDeleteSet(analyticsKeyName)
if len(analyticsValues) == 0 {
keys := make([]interface{}, len(analyticsValues))

for i, v := range analyticsValues {
decoded := AnalyticsRecord{}
if err := msgpack.Unmarshal([]byte(v.(string)), &decoded); err != nil {
Log.WithError(err).Error("Couldn't unmarshal analytics data")
for i := -1; i < 10; i++ {
var analyticsKeyName string
if i == -1 {
//if it's the first iteration, we look for tyk-system-analytics to maintain backwards compatibility or if analytics_config.enable_multiple_analytics_keys is disabled in the gateway
analyticsKeyName = ANALYTICS_KEYNAME
} else {
Log.WithField("decoded", decoded).Debug("Decoded Record")
keys[i] = decoded
analyticsKeyName = fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", ANALYTICS_KEYNAME, i)

data, err := json.Marshal(keys)
if err != nil {
Log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to marshal analytics data")
analyticsValues := r.Store.GetAndDeleteSet(analyticsKeyName)
if len(analyticsValues) == 0 {
keys := make([]interface{}, len(analyticsValues))

for i, v := range analyticsValues {
decoded := AnalyticsRecord{}
if err := msgpack.Unmarshal([]byte(v.(string)), &decoded); err != nil {
Log.WithError(err).Error("Couldn't unmarshal analytics data")
} else {
Log.WithField("decoded", decoded).Debug("Decoded Record")
keys[i] = decoded

data, err := json.Marshal(keys)
if err != nil {
Log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to marshal analytics data")

// Send keys to RPC
if _, err := FuncClientSingleton("PurgeAnalyticsData", string(data)); err != nil {
EmitErrorEvent(FuncClientSingletonCall, "PurgeAnalyticsData", err)
Log.Warn("Failed to call purge, retrying: ", err)
// Send keys to RPC
if _, err := FuncClientSingleton("PurgeAnalyticsData", string(data)); err != nil {
EmitErrorEvent(FuncClientSingletonCall, "PurgeAnalyticsData", err)
Log.Warn("Failed to call purge, retrying: ", err)

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