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This project is a library made with Kotlin you can use to fetch with simplicity the API. You just need to use the PokeApi class to make request here is an example :

val pikachu = PokeApi.get<Pokemon>("pickachu")


To install this library, follow the instructions here.

Kotlin: build.gradle.kts

dependencies {

Groovy: build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'fr.tykok.pokeapi:{version}'

Maven: pom.xml



To use te library, you just need to use the PokeApi class to make request, and use one of the classes given by the library to get the data of the endpoint you want.

Here is an example :

val pikachu = PokeApi.get<Pokemon>("pickachu")


To make a request on an endpoint, you need to use the one of the method provided in the PokeApi class described below.

With the name of the Pokemon:

val pikachu = PokeApi.get<Pokemon>("pickachu")

Or, with the id of the Pokemon:

val pikachu = PokeApi.get<Pokemon>(25)

Or, with a limit an offset:

val pokemons = PokeApi.get<Pokemon>(limit = 10, offset = 10)

Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to our PokeAPi Kotlin library.