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How do i use it

Tyler Thompson edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 7 revisions

It's important to understand that Cucumber simply provides a way to tie into Gherkin. CucumberSwift is coupled with XCode but does not require a specific kind of target. You can run it with a UI testing bundle, or a Unit testing bundle, whatever makes sense.

To start implementing some step definitions extend Cucumber with the StepImplementation protocol.

import Foundation
import XCTest
import CucumberSwift

extension Cucumber: StepImplementation {
    public var bundle: Bundle {
        class ThisBundle { }
        return Bundle(for: ThisBundle.self)

    public func setupSteps() {
        //Step definitions
        Given("Something (matches|matched)") { (matches, _) in
            //assuming match is "Something matched"
            print(matches[0]) //Something matched
            XCTAssert(matches[1], "matched") //true

        When("Something (matches|matched)") { (matches, _) in
            //assuming match is "Something matched"
            print(matches[0]) //Something matched
            XCTAssert(matches[1], "matched") //true

        Then("Something (matches|matched)") { (matches, _) in
            //assuming match is "Something matched"
            print(matches[0]) //Something matched
            XCTAssert(matches[1], "matched") //true

        // NOTE: You can also re-use the primary keyword that matches this, for example if the And comes After a Given, you'd use Given here.
        And("Something (matches|matched)") { (matches, _) in
            //assuming match is "Something matched"
            print(matches[0]) //Something matched
            XCTAssert(matches[1], "matched") //true

        But("Something (matches|matched)") { (matches, _) in
            //assuming match is "Something matched"
            print(matches[0]) //Something matched
            XCTAssert(matches[1], "matched") //true

        MatchAll("Something (matches|matched)") { (matches, _) in
            //assuming match is "Something matched"
            print(matches[0]) //Something matched
            XCTAssert(matches[1], "matched") //true


There are a couple of different ways of using tables in Gherkin. This is an example of each of the methods and how to tie it together with CucumberSwift


Examples let gherkin handle the data for you, individual scenarios are created that iterate over the table and inject the values

Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired
        Given I am logged in
    Scenario Outline: <user> logs in # 1st: Dave, 2nd: Bob
        Given a user named <user> # 1st: Dave, 2nd: Bob
            And a password <password> # 1st: hello, 2nd: *%&#*#!!
        When <user> logs in # 1st: Dave, 2nd: Bob
        Then <user> sees an account balance of: <account balance> # 1st: $0, 2nd: $20,000

            | user  | password | account balance |
            | Dave  | hello    | $0              |
            | Bob   | *%&#*#!! | $20,000         |

Steps can be hooked up like normal for example:

var username:String?
var password:String?
//in case you're not regex savvy (.*?) simply matches 0 or more characters, so it'd grab "Dave" in this step the first time and "Bob" the second time
Given("^A user named (.*?)$") { (matches, _) in
    username = matches[1] //1st: Dave, 2nd: Bob
And("^A password (.*?)$") { (matches, _) in
    password = matches[1]
When("^(.*?) logs in$") { (matches, _) in
    guard let username = username, let password = password else {
        XCTFail("Need a username and password")
    login(username: username, password: password)
And("^(.*?) sees an account balance of: (.*?)$") { (matches, _) in
    let username = matches[1]
    let balance = matches[2]
    XCTAssertEqual(nameLabel.text, username)
    XCTAssertEqual(accountBalanceLabel.text, balance)

Test Data:

Test data can be attached to a step and is handed off to the step implementation to deal with.

    Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired
        Scenario: minimalistic
            Given a simple data table
            | foo | bar |
            | boz | boo |

This can be accessed with CucumberSwift with an optional dataTable property on the step object

import Foundation
import XCTest
import CucumberSwift

extension Cucumber: StepImplementation {
    public var bundle: Bundle {
        class ThisBundle { }
        return Bundle(for: ThisBundle.self)

    public func setupSteps() {
        Given("^a simple data table$") { (_, step) in
            let dt = step.dataTable!
            let row = dt.rows[0]
            print(row[0]) //foo
            print(row[1]) //bar