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File metadata and controls

95 lines (82 loc) · 5.4 KB

Welcome to the CucumberSwift Swift Package Manager sample!

This sample project is a detailed description of exactly the steps taken (in which order) to get CucumberSwift set up with a very basic iOS application.

NOTE: CucumberSwift is a test runner, while this project chose to use XCUITest as the mechanism for executing those tests it could've been a unit test.


  • Create a new Xcode project (in this case I chose iOS -> "App")
  • Make sure to tick the "include tests" checkbox, or you'll have to add the test targets yourself later.
  • Let's add CucumberSwift via SPM. Under File -> Swift Packages select "Add Package Dependency". Copy the CucumberSwift repo URL:
  • The default settings of "Up to Next Major" are probably correct for your needs, select "Next"
  • Under "Add to Target" make sure to select your test target, it's likely named {Project}UITests
  • Create the folder that'll hold your .feature files.
    • NOTE: This folder name is case sensitive by default CucumberSwift looks for "Features". In order to showcase this sample in full I created a folder named "AppFeatures".
    • NOTE: I chose to add this to the {Project}UITests folder
  • In your project right click (or control click) on the {Project}UITests folder and select "Add files to {targetName}"
    • Ensure the correct target is selected, you want your testing target
    • Make certain that "Create Folder Reference" is selected, not "Create Groups"
    • Make sure "Copy items if needed" is UNCHECKED
    • NOTE: I had a weird experience with the Xcode 12.3 on macOS 11.1 one where I had to resize the window in order to select my "AppFeatures" folder
  • Run your tests so that everything builds. Shortcut Command + U
  • Open the xcode generated .swift file, it should be named something like {Project}UITests.swift
  • Erase the contents
  • Add the following lines:
import XCTest
import CucumberSwift

extension Cucumber: StepImplementation {
    public var bundle: Bundle {
        class Findme { }
        return Bundle(for: Findme.self) //This is just my shortcut way of identifying the test bundle, you do you. This bundle needs to contain the folder reference we added

    public func setupSteps() {

  • If you run your tests again at this point you should have 1 test executing, the suite is named "CucumberSwift" and the test is named "testGherkin()"
  • Let's add a .feature file to our folder reference
    • I named mine FirstFeature.feature its contents looked like this:
    Feature: A feature we would like to describe
      Scenario: A single scenario
          Given CucumberSwift is setup correctly
          When I execute these tests
          Then I can pull generated code from the report explorer and get things set up
  • If you named your folder "Features" (case sensitive!) then you may skip the next step, otherwise continue
    • Because our folder has a different name than CucumberSwift searches for by default we need to tell it where to look. Open the info.plist file located in your {Project}UITests target. You can do this in the folder navigator or the project navigator, whatever you want
    • Add a property to the plist named FeaturesPath
    • The type should be string already, but if it's not, make sure it is
    • Set the value to the relative path to your features folder in my case AppFeatures
  • Run the tests
    • NOTE: At this point you should see your feature and scenario in your test results.
  • To make your life easier CucumberSwift actually generates step stub implementations. Open your report navigator in Xcode
  • Find your test run, it'll be named something like {Project}UITests. Then select "tests". Make sure the "all" tab is selected.
  • Expand the step named "GenerateStepStubsIfNecessary". Expand the "Pending Steps" tree section. Open the file named "GENERATED_Unimplemented_Step_Definitions.swift"
  • Copy the contents
  • Paste them into your setupSteps() method from before, mine looks like this:
public func setupSteps() {
    Given("^CucumberSwift is setup correctly$") { _, _ in

    When("^I execute these tests$") { _, _ in

    Then("^I can pull generated code from the report explorer and get things set up$") { _, _ in

  • This is where your execution code is going to go, what you put in there is entirely up to you and beyond the scope of this tutorial. Because this was an XCUITest target it seems probable you're going to stick XCUITest code in there.
  • To help you get started in your setupSteps() method you can do something like the following:
public func setupSteps() {
    let app = XCUIApplication()
    BeforeScenario { (_) in
    Given("^CucumberSwift is setup correctly$") { _, _ in

    When("^I execute these tests$") { _, _ in

    Then("^I can pull generated code from the report explorer and get things set up$") { _, _ in


Hopefully that helps you get started on your journey using CucumberSwift with Swift Package Manager. If you have questions or comments please use the official CucumberSwift repo to submit an issue or start a discussion.